Betrayal is sweet, as tears well up in your eyes, our love tested as our morals crumble, a love built on deceit, a moon that never shines brightly, our genders intertwining under watchful eyes
何をしてんだ ふと我に帰る事後の話 火の粉が舞い 燃え広がるまで火消しの真似事愚かな踊り
What are we doing? I suddenly regain my senses, aftermath conversations, sparks flying, mimicking firefighters until the blaze consumes us, a foolish dance
元に戻る事ないのに 扉を閉める音最後に 不埒なfeeling燃えないゴミ 回り回る罪に利息は込み
There's no going back, yet we close the door one last time, feelings of shame, trash that won't burn, our sins mount up, interest accumulating
利息は込み 吸っては吐くまた後を濁す 傷が残る
Interest accumulating, we inhale, exhale, and repeat, leaving behind a trail of mud, lasting wounds
Pain 片手に握ってる 傷 身に滲みてる kiss 二度とは無い
Pain clutched in my hand, wounds etched into my being, kisses that will never be repeated
Rain 持つ傘片手 次 何か捨てる kiss 一晩の愛
Rain falls, umbrella in hand, what will I discard next? Kisses, a love that ends with the night
Pain 片手に握ってる 傷 身に滲みてる kiss 二度とは無い
Pain clutched in my hand, wounds etched into my being, kisses that will never be repeated
Rain 持つ傘片手 次 何か捨てる kiss 一晩の... living alone
Rain falls, umbrella in hand, what will I discard next? Kisses, a fleeting love... living alone
Innocent faces, questioning the truth in broad daylight, they recognize the sin and dissolve into darkness, sins and swallowed self-loathing, immorality and euphoria send me soaring
愛想尽かした理性飛び越えて 愛欲と夜 感覚に酔って 全くもって笑えねえ もういいわ
Reason has run its course, replaced by lust and nightlife, senses overwhelmed, this is no laughing matter, I'm exhausted