Luar Na Lubre - Teu Nome, Amarante (Con Cida Airam) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Luar Na Lubre - Teu Nome, Amarante (Con Cida Airam)

Teu Nome, Amarante (Con Cida Airam)
Your Name, Amarante (With Cida Airam)
Abre a porta vella
Open the old door
Da casa dos seus pais, e
Of your parents' house, and
Tórnalle as xanelas
Return its windows
E lava as mans no balde
And wash your hands in the bucket
Da unha volta á aldea
Take a turn around the village
Chamábase Amarante.
It was called Amarante.
No amencer quedan
At dawn only remain
O nome e a soidade.
The name and the solitude.
Meu namorado vai no río
My boyfriend goes to the river
Buscando a neve.
Looking for the snow.
Meu namorado vai no río
My boyfriend goes to the river
Calmar a sede.
To quench his thirst.
Lembrou as trabes de ouro
She remembered the golden beams
De cando nena.
From when she was a child.
E ergueu as grades altas
And she raised the high railings
Onde caeran.
Where they had fallen.
Marcharon todos de alí,
Everyone left from there,
O tempo e a terra,
Time and earth,
Pero a palabra estaba
But the word was
No seu lugar.
In its place.
E lousou con laxes novas a aira
And she paved the threshing floor with new slabs
E limpou de broza as viñas,
And cleared the vines of brushwood,
E inventoulle outra historia a Amarante
And she invented another story for Amarante
Para contar a unha meniña.
To tell a little girl.
Abre a porta vella
Open the old door
Da casa dos seus pais, e
Of your parents' house, and
Tórnalle as xanelas
Return its windows
E lava as maos no balde.
And wash your hands in the bucket.
Da unha volta á aldea,
Take a turn around the village,
Chamábase Amarante,
It was called Amarante,
Pampanos, videiras,
Vine leaves, vines,
Obradoiros e rapaces.
Workshops and children.
Meu namorado, vira o río
My boyfriend, see the river
E calma a sede, si.
And quench your thirst, yes.
Meu namorado, vira o río
My boyfriend, see the river
E volta a verme.
And return to me.
Béixanse as fronteiras
The boundaries meet
Nas casas do arrabalde,
In the houses of the suburb,
Cantas as xanelas
You count the windows
O viño e os amantes
The wine and the lovers
Fálalle aos sen terra
Speak to the landless
Do dereito a ocuparen
Of the right to occupy
Barrios para a vida,
Neighborhoods for life,
Palabras para a verdade.
Words for the truth.
E asi foi que esperou polos vivos
And so the legend of Amarente
A lenda de Amarente.
Waited for the living.
E así foi que aguantou dos camiños
And so the roads endured
Teu nome, Amarante.
Your name, Amarante.

Авторы: Jose Benito Romero Copo, Francisco Bermudez Perez, Juan Carlos Cerqueiro Calvo, Pedro Valero Bravo, Sara Louraco Vidal Correia Da Silva, Julio Varela Perez, Eduardo Coma Vega, Xabier Cordal Fustes, Francisco Javier Ferreiro Vazquez

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