Maria Nazionale - O Rammariello - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maria Nazionale - O Rammariello

O Rammariello
O Rammariello
"Véngo cuperte 'e raso
I'll come over with satin covers
P' 'o lietto 'e sposa
For your wedding bed
Pavate a tanto 'o mese
Pay as you go each month
Facite spese"
Make your purchases
Jéva vennenno casa pe' casa
I was going from house to house selling
'O sapevano 'a guagliunciello
The little boy knew it
'O chiammavano 'o rammariello
They called him 'o rammariello
E deva 'a voce: "Chi vò' spese?"
And he would shout: "Who wants to spend?"
E accattavano 'e ffigliulelle
And the young girls would buy
Ca s'avevan' 'a mmaretà
Because they had to get married
"Véngo cuperte 'e raso
I'll come over with satin covers
P' 'o lietto 'e sposa
For your wedding bed
Pavate a tanto 'o mese
Pay as you go each month
Facite spese"
Make your purchases
Deva 'a voce stu rammariello
This rammariello would shout
Ca penzava sulo a cantà
Because he only thought about singing
Era ancora giuvinuttiello
He was still a young boy
Chella fine nun ll'êv' 'a
He didn't deserve such an end
E capitaje 'ncopp'a na casa
And he ended up at a house
Llà ce steva na figliulella
Where there was a young girl
Ch'era 'o sole tant'era bella
Who was as beautiful as the sun
Isso dicette: "Si vuó' spese
He said: "If you want to spend
Ccà sta 'o core d' 'o rammariello
Here is the rammariello's heart
Teccatillo, t' 'o puó' piglià"
Take it, you can have it
Tengo 'a cuperta 'e raso
I have a satin cover
P' 'o lietto 'e sposa
For the wedding bed
Mme piglio a tanto 'o mese
I'll pay as I go each month
Na bella casa"
A beautiful house
Dint' 'o core d' 'o rammariello
In the rammariello's heart
Già cantava 'a felicità
Happiness was already singing
Già vedeva 'sta nénna bella
He could already see this beautiful girl
Dint' 'a cchiesa, pe' ghì a spusà
In church, about to get married
Ma va' sapenno, 'sta nénna bella
But you see, this beautiful girl
Ca dint'a ll'uocchie teneva 'o cielo
Whose eyes held the heavens
E teneva na vocca 'e mèle
And whose mouth was as sweet as honey
S'era scurdata 'e nu 'nnammurato
Had forgotten about her lover
Ca dint' 'o core teneva 'o ffèle
Whose heart was filled with bitterness
E giurava 'e se vendicà
And who swore revenge
"Véngo cuperte 'e raso
I'll come over with satin covers
P' 'o lietto 'e sposa"
For the wedding bed
S'arretirava â casa
He retreated to the house
'Mbriaco 'e vase
Drunk with kisses
E cantava stu rammariello
And this rammariello sang
Nun puteva maje 'mmagginà
He could never have imagined
Ca 'o curtiello d' 'a marennella
That the young girl's knife
Lle serveva pe' se salvà
Would save her
"Véngo cuperte 'e raso
I'll come over with satin covers
P' 'o lietto 'e sposa"
For the wedding bed
Mo cchiù nun ll'hanno 'ntiso
Now they don't hear him anymore
Casa pe' casa
Going from house to house
Chistu povero rammariello
This poor rammariello
Ca penzava sulo a cantá
Because he only thought about singing
Mo sta 'nchiuso dint' 'e ccancelle
Now he's locked up in jail
Chella fine nun ll'êv' 'a
He didn't deserve such an end

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