Outlandish - TriumF текст песни

Текст песни TriumF - Outlandish

Tragedy turns to Triumf
Can you feel it in the air
Can you feel it in the air
I don't know how to give up
Can you feel it in the air
Yeah aye
Say 3 lefts make a right don't act out on the wood tonight
Keep it loose keep it tight keep it here on a height
You can bring the light and we can bring wood
Then we light it up no matter what
Never give it up no hesitation
6 degrees of separation from you so yeah I know
Never say it's impossible gotta get a grip if I slip and fall
Giddy up don't expect an applaud or them waiting with cameras
The night goes out not without cost that's when you go raw raw
Turn a loss into triumph
Tragedy turns to Triumf
Can you feel it in the air
I don't know how to give up
Can you feel it in the air
Vengo cargando leña
Y a lo lejos mi gente sueña
Con fuegos artificiales
Con frijoles y aguacatales
(I come carrying firewood
While in the distance my people dream
Of fireworks, beans and avocado groves)
Canto pa' que llueva cafe en el campo
Y las cosas vayan mas pa' 'delante
Así que canten, conmigo canten
Y las cosas buenas nunca falten
(I sing for coffee to rain on the fields
And for things to move on,
So sing, sing with me
So we'll never lack good things)
Tengo el dinero en cero
Soy el dueño del mundo entero
Con la luna como azafata
Voy alegre y la vida es grata
(My money amounts to zero,
But I'm the owner of the whole world,
With the moon as my stewardess
I go around joyfully, and life is pleasant)
Que el cariño vaya primero
Conquistando al mundo entero
Con la luna como azafata
Voy cantando, la vida es grata
(Let love go at the front,
Conquering the whole world,
With the moon as my stewardess
I go around singing, life is pleasant)
Tragedy turns to Triumf
Can you feel it in the air
I don't know how to give up
Can you feel it in the air
Tragedy turns to Triumf
Can you feel it in the air
I don't know how to give up
I don't know
Boom ayee ayee, ayee ayee,
Boom ayee ayee, ayee ayee...
Style Messi like Barcalona
I know the ends and I know the answer
They say in class that I'm so lost
And I say my mind's freesize so don't ya
I'm an amazing amazigh gold skin
Break beats to 16 bars spin
Pen down the same thought from a-z
That's running inside out of my head
Boom ayee ayee, ayee ayee,
Boom ayee ayee, ayee ayee...
Put down the gun pick up my pen
The ink of one worth more than men
Holla at a scholar we get stronger
From a nickel and a dime we got a dollar
Tragedy turns to Triumf
Can you feel it in the air
Tell me can you feel it in the air
I don't know how to give up
Can you feel it in the air
Tell me can you feel it in the air
Tragedy turns to Triumf
Can you feel it in the air
I don't know how to give up

Авторы: Roger Lenny Martinez, Rasmus Oertberg Stabell, Isam Bachiri, Waqas Qadri, Jeppe Federspiel

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