RADWIMPS - さみしい僕 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RADWIMPS - さみしい僕

Lonely Me
君からの電話が鳴るたび 僕の心はウキウキ
Every time your phone call rings, my heart skips a beat
君に会うとなぜか気取っちゃうけど 内心はドキドキドキドキ
When I see you, I try to act cool, but inside I'm pounding, pounding, pounding
I knew I wasn't good enough for you,
君があまりにも優しかったから 思わず告白 もうソワソワ
But you were so kind, I impulsively confessed, now I'm anxious
返事のメールが返ってきて すぐには見ないで心の音聴いてみる
Your reply email arrived, I listen to my heart before opening it
ドクドクいってる どうしようもなく震えてる
It's pounding, I'm trembling uncontrollably
あれやこれやと言い訳をみつけても 割りきれないのは
Even if I find all sorts of excuses, what I can't accept is
きっとそれだけ君のことが好きだったのだろう なんて言っても
That I must have loved you that much, even if I say that
もうどうにもならないから 一人ぼっちで 泣いてた
It's already too late, I cried alone
It's a lie that I knew this would happen
I had some confidence that I could make you laugh
けど 今更こんなことを言っても仕方ないから
But it's pointless to say such things now
どうか神様あの大切な人を 忘れさせて
Please, God, let me forget that precious person
Since then, my feelings for you have only grown stronger with each passing day
I even started singing worthless songs
I called your name over and over again
どうやら二度とあの時のようには もう話すことはできない
But it seems I can never talk to you like I did back then
なんて考えたくなかった ずっとずっと 君を好きでいたい
I didn't want to think that way, I want to keep loving you forever
If you say, "This is goodbye,"
さみしすぎて 空しすぎて 僕はどこに行けばいいの?
I'll be so lonely, so empty, where should I go?
僕の願いはたった一つ 昔のあなたと一緒に
My only wish is to be with the you from before
いつまででも話し 笑いあいたい
Talking and laughing together forever
この願いが叶うように そっと祈るだけ
I just pray that this wish comes true

Авторы: 野田 洋次郎

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