Shahriyor - Yor Yor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shahriyor - Yor Yor

Yor Yor
Yor Yor
exx qanday aytib bersam ekan bu sevgi tarihini,
how do I tell exx it ' a love story?,
bu xuddi ertak ikki qaxramon lekin biroz
it's like a fairy tale Two Heroes but a little bit
alamli biroq bu hayot bu taqdir hamma qismat oldida ojizdur
painful yet this life is helpless before all the fate of this fate
juda ko'p eshitganman
I've heard so much
juda ko'p ko'rganman
I've seen too much
sevishganlarni hayotini
the life of lovers
lekin hozirgisi dilimda qolgan
but the present one remained on my tongue
yuragimni rostakam ezgan
my heart was crushed by rostakam
yoor yoor yangraydii yoor yoor
yoor yoor rangdii yoor yoor
kimdur bu kuydan
who is from this guy
yoor yoor yangraydi yoor yoor
yoor yoor sounds yoor yoor
kimdur bu kuydan baxtli
kimdur is happy with this tune
kimdurlar chekar ozor
kimdurs chekar ozor
yigit bilan qiz
girl with boyfriend
go'zal muhabbat qattiq sevishardi bir birbirligini
beautiful love is a union that loved hard
hayol qiliwardi baxtiyor kunlarni yanada ham baxtiyor kunlarni
fantasywardi happy days even more happy days
yillar o'tdi qiz yetgan edi voyaga
years passed the girl had reached adulthood
vaqt kelgan edi qizni uzatishga
the time had come to transfer the girl
o'rtadagi sevgi muhabbat xech qanday sabab bo'la olmadi
love in the middle love Hech could not cause
qizni otasiga javob bitta qiz unashtirildi boshqasiga
the answer to the father of the girl one girl was engaged to another
chorasiz qolgan yigitni kutishdan boshqa iloji yo'q edi o'shanda yigit qizga sog'inchli bir xat yubordi bu xatda yigit bor dardini yoritdi bu xatda tahminan shu so'zlarni yozgan edi
there was no choice but to wait for the young man who was left without a chorus then the young man sent a longing letter to the girl in which the young man covered the pain that he had in this letter he had written the words of the estimate
yoor yoor yangraydi yoor yoor
yoor yoor sounds yoor yoor
kimdur bu kuydan baxtiyor
who is happy with this guy
yoor yoor yangraydi yoor yoor
yoor yoor sounds yoor yoor
kimdur bu kuydan baxtli kimdurlar chekar ozor
whosoever is happy with this song, whosoever will suffer
salom mening birinchi va so'ngi muhabbatim
Hello my first and last love
dunyodagi yagona go'zalim mening baxtim balki seni ohirgi nafasimgacha esimda tutib
my only beauty in the world is my happiness, but keeping you in my mind until my last breath
sevgimizni doimo avayliman
always avayliman our love
shuni unutmaginki seni bir umr sevib yashiman seni ko'rib turib lekin san bilan so'zlashmasdan turomiman
do not forget that I will love you for a lifetime without seeing you but without talking to san
lekin mani hayolim doimo san bilan
but my mani imagination is always with san
bu xat qiz uchun havodak edi
this letter was havodak for the girl
sevgilisidan qolgan yagona yodgorlik bo'ldi oradan qancha yillar o'tib ketsa ham
the only monument left of his beloved became no matter how many years later
bu xatni har bir baxtiyor
every happiness of this letter
har bir quvonchlik kunlarida
on every day of joy
butun umri davomida tez tez o'qib turadigon estalik sevgilisidan qolgan yagona yodgorlik deb saqlardi
for the rest of his life, he read quickly, which estalik kept as the only monument left of his beloved
yoor yoor yangraydi yoor yoor
yoor yoor sounds yoor yoor
kimdur bu kuydan baxtiyoor
kimdur bakhtiyoor from this KU
yoor yoor yangraydi yoor yoor
yoor yoor sounds yoor yoor
kimdur bu kuydan baxtli
kimdur is happy with this tune
kimdurlar chekar ozor
kimdurs chekar ozor
yoor yoor yangraydi yoor yoor
yoor yoor sounds yoor yoor
kimdur bu kuydan baxtiyor
who is happy with this guy
yoor yoor yangraydi yoor yoor
yoor yoor sounds yoor yoor
kimdur bu kuydan baxtli kimdurlar chekar ozor
whosoever is happy with this song, whosoever will suffer

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