The Christians feat. Hana Tekle - Temesgen - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Christians feat. Hana Tekle - Temesgen

አግዘኝ ደግፈኝ ብዬ ነበረ
Help me, save me, I said,
የእኔ ጌታ ሰማኸኝ ስለቴም ሰመረ
My Lord, You heard me, and You saved me to tell
ብዬ እልሃለው እንደገና
Me again, and again,
በአዲስ ዝማሬ በአዲስ ዜማ
In new songs, in new tunes,
የአየሁትን በዓይኔ አይቻለሁ
I can't remember what I saw,
እጅህን በብዙ አይቻለሁ
Your hand is too much for me to withstand.
ምሥጋናዬ በፊትህ ያርግልኝ
My thanks lay before You,
አምልኮዬ በፊትህ ይፍሰስልኝ
My worship is offered to You,
ዝማሬ በፊትህ ሞገስ ያግኝልኝ
My songs grow in waves before You.
አንተ አይደለህም ወይ ረዳቴ
You are not just my help,
በጭንቅ ዘመን እረፍቴ
In times of trouble, my relief,
በማያምር ቀን ወበት ድምቀቴ
In bad days, my delight, my cheer,
የደስታዬ ድምጽ ጩኸቴ (፪x)
The sound of my joy, my cry of happiness (2x).
የለኝም ሌላ እኔ የምለዉ
I have no other I can call,
ይሄ ነው ብዬ እንኳን የማነሳው ከሰው
This is who I am, that I can even mention to anyone,
የድስታዬ ቀኑ ባለቤት
The owner of my day of happiness,
ብቻህን ታይበት ይህን ነው የምለው
You alone are praised, this is what I say to You.
ተመሥገን ተመሥገን (፰x)
Worship, Worship (8x)
አዘኑ ክፉ ያዩልኝ ቀኖቼ
My bad days are gone,
እንባን የሻቱ ለዓይኖቼ
The tears that flowed have dried from my eyes,
ቀኔን አዘኸው ከላይ ከሠማይ
You transformed my days from above, from heaven,
ጠገብኩ በደስታ ሳቅ ሲሳይ (፪x)
I danced with joy and happiness (2x).
የለኝም ሌላ እኔ የምለዉ
I have no other I can call,
ይሄ ነው ብዬ እንኳን የማነሳው ከሰው
This is who I am, that I can even mention to anyone,
የድስታዬ ቀኑ ባለቤት
The owner of my day of happiness,
ብቻህን ታይበት ይህን ነው የምለው
You alone are praised, this is what I say to You.
ተመሥገን ተመሥገን (፰x)
Worship, Worship (8x)
ይገባሃል ተመሥገን (፬x)
Glory to you, Worship (4x)
ተመሥገን (፬x)
Worship (4x)

Авторы: Samuel Alemu, The Christians Unknown

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