My mind was set on making millions by 25, providing for my family, but it hit me hard when I realized the weight of adulthood. If only you had listened to me, you would have seen the many things I've learned as I've grown.
I thought when I turned 25, I would be living the good life, driving fancy cars, and living in luxury.
Sende kite vaiti zvikunetsa taizviteka light manje zvinoda vision usalecke sight pachigafa tinoti just do it pfeka nike
It's not as easy as it seems. You need a vision and a plan. Don't lose sight of your goals. Just do it and you'll succeed.
Zvinondapfuura 30 zvaingova zviroto basa can′t get dai zvaigona kudzora nguva secasette ndaidzora ndomeka sure ndatsvaga zhet
I'm over 30 now, and those dreams are just that
- dreams. I can't turn back time and change things. I've tried everything, but nothing seems to work.
Zuva nezuva ndirimo ini musoccer bet profit yacho idiki tiri4 pazhet kunemabvuta hakuendeje coz vanemari zichain ndokulocka gate but gafa rikutryer kucover gap ndongoramba ndiripa ndima ndichishanda chete chishuwo changu ndechekugara patafura panefood fanenge irimunaChiyangwa bet
Every day, I hustle, but the profits are small. I'm surrounded by poverty and corruption, but I keep trying. I dream of a day when I can provide for my family and live comfortably.
Ndaiti ndikasvika 25 ndaigaya
I thought when I turned 25, my life would be...
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