1 Camp Granada (Hello Mudder, Hello Fadder, Here I Am at Camp Grenada)
2 Downtown, Crazy Downtown
3 Chim Chim Cheree
4 Somewhere Overweight People (Somewhere Over the Rainbow)
5 Harvey & Shelia (Hava Nagila)
6 Mexican Hat Dance
7 You Went the Wrong Way Old King Louie
8 Pop Hates the Beatles (Pop Goes the Weasel)
9 Count Dracula, My Son the Vampire
10 Sara Jackman, Sarah Jockman
11 One Hippopotami Is Two Hippopotamus
12 My Zelda
13 Oh Boy (The Hand Clapping Song)
14 Hungarian Goulash No. 5 (Hungarian Goulash Number Five)
15 I See Bones (The X-Ray Song)
16 Eight Foot Two, Solid Blue, Has Anybody Seen My Martian Gal
17 12 Days of Christmas (Twelve Gifts of Christmas)
18 Dum Dum Song
19 She Wore a Bathing Suit Without a Top (Topless Bathing Suit Song)
20 Rattfink Rat Fink Ratfink
21 Return to Camp Granada
22 Nothing to Be Done (A.K.A. Nothin', nothin', nothin', nothin' to Be Done)
23 Grudunza (Moss Covered Three Handled Gradunza)
24 Calculatus, Eliminatus
25 I'm a Punk
26 Beautiful Kitten Fish
27 Anything Under the Sun
28 Cat in the Hat (Aka Chat Chapeau, I'm a Cat in a Hat)
29 Sweep, Sweep Up the Memories
30 Mister Grinch (You're a Mean One Mr. Grinch)
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