Dozi - Liza se Klavier Lyrics

Lyrics Liza se Klavier - Dozi

EK HET 'N VRIENDIN (I have a friend)
VER BY DIE BLOU SEE (far by the blue sea)
TEEN DIE HANG VAN TAFELBERG (against the side of Table Mountain)
AS DIE SON SAK (as the sun sets)
SPEEL SY DIE MOOISTE MELODIEË (she plays the most beautiful melody)
HAAR VINGERS KEN DIE PAD (her fingers know the road)
OPGESLUIT IN WIT EN SWART (locked up in white and black)
DIE KLAVIER SE GROOTSTE VREUGDE (the piano's greatest pleasure)
HARTSEER EN VERLANGE (heartache and longing)
VERSTAAN DIE HART SE DIEPSTE SMART (understand the hearts deepest hurt)
JA, DIE HELE WÊRELD WORD STIL (yes, the whole world becomes still)
EN LUISTER IN DIE DONKER UUR (and listens in the darkest hour)
NA DIE NAGGELUIDE (after the sounds in the night)
VAN LISA SE KLAVIER (of Lisa's piano)
LISA KAN NIE OPHOU AS SY EERS BEGIN HET NIE (Lisa can not stop once she has begun)
SY LAAT MY NOOIT HUIS TOE LOOP (she never lets me walk home)
OF AFSKEID NEEM (or say goodbye)
VOOR MY LAASTE SIGARET NIE (before my last cigarette)
EK STAAN OP HAAR BALKON (I stand on her balcony)
EN DRINK HAAR APPELKOOSTEE (and drink her apricot tea)
EN KYK NA KAAPSTAD IN DIE NAG (and look at Cape Town in the night)
DIE LIGGIES EN DIE SWART, SWART SEE (the lights and the dark, black sea)
EN ONDER OP DIE SYPAADJIE (and under on the pavement)
SIEN EK DIE BERGIE EN SY MAAT (I see the homeless man and his friend)
GAAN STAAN EN OPKYK (stand and look up)
VER NA BO (far to the top/heavens)
VANUIT DIE VULLIS VAN ORANJESTRAAT (from the depths of Oranje street)
HULLE KEN AL LANK DIE KLANKE (they already know the sound)
WAT UIT HAAR WOONSTEL STROOM (what flows out of her flat)
LANK NA TWAALF, MET DIE DEURE OOP (long after 12 with the doors open)
AL MOAN DIE BURE OOK AL HOE (even though the neighbours moan)
WORD LISA ELKE BOEMELAAR SE DROOM (Lisa becomes the homeless mans dream)

Writer(s): Koos Kombuis

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