Dip Doundou Guiss - Holocauste - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Dip Doundou Guiss - Holocauste

Gueu-Gueumeul Yallah boul laathie ndakh Yallah gueum nala
I swear to God, there's no escape, God is my witness
Diouraum niarélou Assamane moy fi sama kaatane bi meuneu yém
The pain I feel, Assamane, is like my katana is piercing me
Gouvernement bi bougueul ma djangue sama waa galé bagne ma RAP
The government locked up my jungle, my voice is stuck in RAP jail
Bougouma kène djangalma nappeu bougou-bougoumatam yaw nga mayma djeune
They closed my jungle, I'm choking, they closed it on all the youth
Beus di nga tourné laathie Papeu Tourné laathie Yaye Niouné leu dém nagn dou nékha gueum
We must turn around, Papeu, turn around, Yaye Niouné, they have nothing but pain for us
boudone kouné yaay taaneu li ngay am, Yallah dina guiss Nit diko niémé eupeulé
There's no one left, everyone has abandoned me, God give me strength, people are bad
Kou weet xam sa waay deugueune taane Njaay Mo ki ci sa séttou nimou mel nga mel
You know what's good for you, hold on tight, Njaay Mo who was born on your birthday is like you
Di def nga def Mindef nga rek meunougne la teuthie Ndakh yaw rekka fi meusseu def lou meunta
Do it, do it, Mindef, just keep going, that's the truth, but just to do it is where the problem lies
Oh Shit!
Oh Shit!
Souma déwé laay contane Boy
My heart is filled with sorrow, Boy
Rakk sama kerr comme naathie
Scratching my head like a madman
Oh Shit!
Oh Shit!
Oh Please!
Oh Please!
Boy dieul sama life Ô My GOD
Boy, my life is cursed, Oh My GOD
Moudjeuntéél bou nice Ô My GOD
The world is so beautiful, Oh My GOD
{2nd Verse}
{2nd Verse}
Fekké sama digueu dolé di tombék djimbi diamono
My tears fall like rain, diamonds fall like dust
Boudone ay billets ma niakkeu deupeu paresol bi
There are no bills left, I'm looking for my parasol
10.000 problèmes fébaru diouni djangoro
10,000 problems, February is a monster
Bindeu na GOD mais néna dou tidjii enveloppe bi
Trust in God, but where is the damn envelope?
Easy dama niaak djom djépi sama bopp
Easy, my hands are tied, my pockets are empty
Mou melni amouma compte beug ibi sama banque bopp
Don't tell me about love, my bank account is frozen
Méti nama lolou ndakh ma ngui naane nékoul mako sombi
I have nothing left, but I refuse to beg for a penny
Liir bou tangueu xel momak PA bou tangueu xol
The tongue is sharp, the child, the PA is sharp too
Dominique amena bac-gam (BAC) yeah tané na
Dominique brought the BAC (diploma), yeah, he has it now
Fk boy DIP ki dou meusseu dieundeul Yaayam Keur
Fk boy DIP who dares to seduce Yaayam Keur
Sama xel tééy sama xel tééy ma niaaw njorte ci fimay moudjé
My ex, oh my ex, I see her face in every dream
Di nélaw ni neew, guédeu, fo guissé kou déh di gueinteu?
With tears, sweat, blood, who dares to challenge?
Ma nék di yëg sama ROUH ngui dém
I just want to see my SOUL, that's all I want
Bataye gni di sathieu ak gni di thiaggatou rek la gni tchi tali bi di yélwane di gnéin
Those who are satiated and those who are hungry, only the one who is full can look at the one who is hungry and smile
Oh Shit!
Oh Shit!
Souma déwé laay contane Boy
My heart is filled with sorrow, Boy
Rakk sama kerr comme naathie
Scratching my head like a madman
Oh Shit!
Oh Shit!
Oh Please!
Oh Please!
Boy dieul sama life Ô My GOD
Boy, my life is cursed, Oh My GOD
Moudjeuntéél bou nice Ô My GOD
The world is so beautiful, Oh My GOD
XAJJA (Chien) gueuneu djégué NIT, NIT gueuneu djégué IBLISS
DOG wants to be HUMAN, HUMAN wants to be DEVIL
Nioune nioko gueune nioune nioy def ni xajjou (Chien) IBLISS
We are all equal, yet we all want to be like the DEVIL (Dog)
Comme millardaire yu gueune riche fi
Like a billionaire wants to be rich
Douniou suur nio ngui lekk ay xollou miskine
The world is crazy, we don't care about the poor
Légui NIT gni nioy DEUM yi
Only HUMANS can create GODS
DEUM yi di déh wak xiff NIT
GODS want nothing from HUMANS
Yeah lane moy deuggou wa dji yokkou taux de suicide?
Yeah, lane, why is the suicide rate so high?
Ma faté guèneu djaadeu outi yonou EGLISE
I'm lost like a madman outside the CHURCH
Ndakh église yagg nafa noyi air pur
But the church has fresh air
Ni JESUS souma guéné nékaate Hercules
As if JESUS was like Hercules
Waayé bama djoudo la xam ni gagné nagn guerre bi
Hey, let's stop the fight, we've already won the war
Dama djoudou joy ndakh Aduna pour nga am li nga beug faaw nga def li nga bagne
Let's stop the fight, but the world is yours, do what you want, do what you love
Lou tarr saay soko amé kénène ki nga gaagne
When you fall, get up, only those who stand up win
Louy mbaax so mataloul galém Ndékkéék agne
Don't be fooled by appearances, appearances are deceiving for years
Limay dieumeulé kanam lay def di déffaate
Tomorrow belongs to God, let it happen and accept it
Mane nga sèèn ci sa temps faaw nga def ni sa Baaye
When you see it in its time, do as it does
Liguèy lou fay VOLCAN ni SEYDINA LAYE
Believe what the VOLCANO and SEYDINA LAYE say
Bo teudé diko niaane di nga déh ci sa lale
Don't worry, I will tell you in detail
Gueum ni ya eupeu lerr naadjé gou xess di xessal
I know that some people are full of hatred
GOORGOORLU is a MAN, but he is a DJIGUèNE
Loutah meunou maassi guèneu ni YOUSSOU MADJIGUèNE
The future is bright, like YOUSSOU MADJIGUèNE
Outoum Xaliss rek bamay soukraate di déh
Eternal peace, let's thank God and let go
Loumou laathie niou def tant que mo ngui am di léw
Let's do it while we still have the strength
Dou maak niom dou niok mane
Don't blame me, don't blame me
Waa mané DUNYA soumala meunoul meuno ma
This world is crazy, it's not my fault
Dou maak niom dou niok mane
Don't blame me, don't blame me
Parce que déwone naa bou yagg yaw
Because you already know what it is
Kou déh ba dékki sanioul bideunti dou naadjé yéwou
When you see someone begging, don't look away
Souma amone lalou xaliss sakh douma dém teudi
If you have peace, thank God and be grateful
Beugouma KHALIFA, TALIBE yaay sama SERIGNE
Taal bou Yallah taal laa ci Aduna ngané do tchi andeu
God's word is the word in this world, nothing else matters
Ba Alaxîrra mou taal leu yaw tamite
In the Hereafter, that word will be our only companion
Am par force ndakh NIAAKEU day rayé
Love by force, but MONEY makes the rules
XALISS rekka meuneu FATHIE DOCTEURS YI (Bis echo)
Just PEACE, that's the message of the FATHIE DOCTEURS (Bis echo)

Writer(s): Dip Doundou Guiss

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