Jossy Kassa - Teneshina Abrie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Jossy Kassa - Teneshina Abrie

Teneshina Abrie
Teneshina Abre
ብርሃንሽ ወጥቷልና ኢትዮጵያ
Your light has dawned, O Ethiopia
አዝ፦ ተነሺና አብሪ
Arise now and open
የሃያላን የታላቅ ሀገር ታሪክሽ
The history of your soldiers, of your great country
የተስፋ ቃል የወንጌልም ዘር ያለብሽ
Who bear the word of hope, the seed of the Gospel
ሰላምሽ ርቆ ብዙ ደም ፈሶብሻል
Your peace was far away, you shed much blood
የስልጣኔ መጨረሻ ተብለሻል
You were called the end of empires
የመከራ ሌሊትሽ ነጋ በርሱ ጊዜ
The night of your suffering has passed with that time
የምታበሪበት ዘመን ነው የሕዳሴ
The time for your rebirth has come
ኢትዮዽያ ኢትዮዽያ
Ethiopia, Ethiopia
የከፍታ ዘመንሽ ሆነልሽ
Your time of freedom has come
አዝ፦ ተነሺና አብሪ
Arise now and open
ብሎም ለአፍሪካ ደሞም ለአውሮፓ ለዓለም ሕዝቦች ሁሉ
Bloom also for Africa, for Europe, for all the peoples of the world
ብርሃንሽ ወጣ ትንሳኤሽ መጣ ክብርሽን አዩ
Let your light shine, your resurrection has come, see your glory
የፈጣሪሽ ፊት ወዳንቺ ዞረ ልብሽ ተመልሶ
The face of your Creator is turned towards you, your heart is being transformed
ሁሉም እንዲያይሽ እንድታበሪ እጅሽን ይዞ
So that all may see you and that you may rise up, taking your hand
አዝ፦ ተነሺና አብሪ
Arise now and open
የፖለቲካ የኢኮኖሚ ቀውስ ሁሉ
All the chains of politics, of economics
ከሠማይ ትእዛዝ ሲወጣ ሰላም ሆኑ
When the commandment comes from heaven, there will be peace
ዘረኝነትና ጥላቻ ቦታ አጣ
Petty-mindedness and hatred have lost their place
የፍቅር መንፈስ ሕዝቡን ሁሉ ይዞ መጣ
A spirit of love has come to embrace all the people
የዘንዶውን ራስ አምላክሽ ቀጥቅጦታል
Your God has crushed the head of the serpent
አዝመራሽ ሁሉ ተባርኳል ፈውሶሻል
All your singers are blessed, they rejoice
ኢትዮጵያ ኢትዮጵያ
Ethiopia, Ethiopia
የከፍታ ዘመንሽ ሆነልሽ
Your time of freedom has come
አዝ፦ ተነሺና አብሪ
Arise now and open
ብሎም ለአፍሪካ ደሞም ለአውሮፓ ለአለም ሕዝቦች ሁሉ
Bloom also for Africa, for Europe, for all the peoples of the world
ብርሃንሽ ወጣ ትንሳኤሽ መጣ ክብርሽን አዩ
Let your light shine, your resurrection has come, see your glory
የፈጣሪሽ ፊት ወዳንቺ ዞረ ልብሽ ተመልሶ
The face of your Creator is turned towards you, your heart is being transformed
ሁሉም እንዲያይሽ እንድታበሪ እጅሽን ይዞ
So that all may see you and that you may rise up, taking your hand
አዝ፦ ተነሺና አብሪ
Arise now and open
በረሃብ በስደት ሕዝብሽ ተበትኖ
In terror and in exile, your people were scattered
ሲናቅ ሰው ሃገር የሰቀቀን ኑሮ
When people cursed the life we had cursed
የናቁሽ ሁሉ የተጠየፉሽ
All those who were lost, for whom you mourned
ጊዜው ሲመጣ ይኸው ሠገዱልሽ
When the time comes, this is your reward
ቀና በይ ከእንግዲህ
Be happy from now on
ቀና በይ ጊዜሽ ነው
Be happy, your time is now
ቀና በይ አትፍሪ
Be happy, do not grieve
ቀና በይ አብሪ
Be happy, open up

Writer(s): Simone Tsegay

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