MOD SUN - Did I Ever Wake Up? (Pt. 5) paroles de chanson

paroles de chanson Did I Ever Wake Up? (Pt. 5) - MOD SUN

Every good thought someone else thinks about you goes up into the universe and gets sent directly back to us.
You can essentially build up an entire team of people helping to make your life great by simply being kind to them.
Be polite, helpful, honest, uplifting and of course happy at all times because these people are building your skyscraper.
Don't keep secrets.
Figure out what you want to do and tell the world.
When you say your intentions out loud they become so much more powerful.
If you have people expecting you to do something it will push you that much more to succeed.
Don't allow anyone to think of you as anything but dependable and trustworthy.
Create a deadline and do whatever it takes to meet the goals you have created.
In my music I make it a point to speak about the things I'm going to accomplish in my lifetime.
Don't keep your wants and desires a secret.
Tell as many people as you can.
I let people know I'm always positive in every situation.
I have a team of people thinking about my goals and nonstop positivity with me.
But in my mind I also have no other choice but to live these things every day which consistently keeps me on point, working towards my true intentions.
Let your teeth show.
One of the first things I did after being reborn was let people know just how happy and grateful i was to be alive.
I got myself a crazy low rider bicycle, put on some headphones and cruised up and down the busiest streets in my city with a smile glued to my face.
I made sure every person that drove past me saw someone having a great time.
I did this every day for an entire summer.
At the time I had no job, which also meant no income.
But that wasn't going to stop me from living life the way I wanted.
Half the people that would drive past me on those streets were going to or coming from a job they disliked.
Sure, they were making money, but they weren't happy doing it.
I wasn't working for the moment at hand.
I was working for my future.
You have an army of people eager to give you the life you desire, waiting outside your front door.
Go out there and start recruiting
Index finger: who's the boss?
Depression and anxiety do not exist.
I know that can sound somewhat harsh to anyone out there dealing with these issues, and I mean no disrespect, but it's time to put down the prescription and make the transition.
Let me introduce you to the cure.
Put your right hand in the air and make a peace sign.
Look good my hippy.
Keep that hand high in the air but now put your middle finger down.
There you have it; the almighty index finger.
In the summer of 2012 I was asked to join the legendary Vans Warped Tour once again, but this time with my own set as Mod Sun.
I had been manifesting this moment for quite some time and just like that, my mentality became my reality.
I personally contacted the Warped Tour founder Kevin Lyman and shared my story and desire to be part of the festival.
The very next day he replied back with an offer.
This was such an incredible feeling.
Kevin Lyman was willing to give me a shot.
I promised not to let him down and started preparing for the summer.
One of the most incredible things about this touring festival is just how many bands are on the lineup.
As if performing in front of thousands every day wasn't great enough, pretty much every friend in the music industry was celebrating on a bus right across from mine.
Every artist performed at a different time each day, you might play at 10: 30 am one day, and 8 pm the very next.
It's a true testament for work ethic and also makes for one hell of a day party.
One of my closest friends happened to be a main act and really couldn't go anywhere without getting swarmed by his adoring fans.
This would often cause him to feel a great deal of anxiety.
He loved to meet the people but didn't want to risk leaving a bad impression if an attack kicked in.
He had been dealing with this situation for years and couldn't find a solution.
I knew there was a way to defeat it and I wanted to guide him there.
The patient and the doctor.
There is not a medication out there stronger than you.
You are the patient and you are the doctor.
This can work to your favor or disadvantage depending on how you diagnose yourself.
This is what led me to the cure for anxiety and depression.
I told my friend to hold his index finger up, now bend your finger up and down, side to side.
Easy right?
Now look at that same finger and give it total permission to move freely on its own.
No movement occurred.
I looked at him and said no one controls your finger but you, and the same goes for your feelings.
You're in charge of everything that involves you.
This is your body, your emotions, your thoughts and your manifestations.
No one controls anything about you, except you.
Take responsibility and use this to your advantage.
Chapter 10-
Muscle vs.
Strength: The strongest person alive
The first time someone told me I was brainwashed I looked at the guy with excitement and politely said thank you.
I try my best to keep it clean.
Its all about your thoughts.
The physical abilities we have can only do a fraction of what the mental can.
You are the strongest person alive.
You contain and endless supply of strength within you and its time to start flexing.
Delete the idea of a disability from your thought process.
No matter who you are, where you are, or what you look like, you're alive and you can accomplish anything.
One of my best friends also happens to be one of the biggest inspirations in my life.
One night before entering a recording studio room, by some of my aqantiences, I was told to not take any offense if one of the guys inside seemed to ignore me.
This of course made me very curious, and when I walked into the room my curiosity only grew.
A young guy with a thick beard and long trench coat sat in the corner of the room vigorously puffing on a cigar.
The strangest part was that he was sitting there with a smile on his face that extended from one ear to the other.
I couldn't imagine why this person was ignoring me.
I decided to let it be and began working inside the studio.
The recording session lasted a couple hours then we all went out separate ways.
A year passed before I would end up in the same room as this strange character again.
My friend Tyler was throwing a birthday part for his buddy and invited me to stop by.
I walked in and said what's up and that's all it took.
The young guy with the thick beard and long trench coat appeared out of nowhere and yelled its you!
I've been looking for you.
His name was Mike Bryan and little did I know that when I first met him a year earlier he was completely blind.
Recently, he had acquired some of his sight back and was now able to introduce himself properly.
So he wasn't trying to ignore me before, he just couldn't see me.
Mike said he had been holding onto the sound of my voice for a year just in case we ended up in the same room again.
He had heard me talking and interacting with others at the studio that night and thought we would be great friends.
Well he was right.
Since age 11 Mike has been living with one of the most severe cases of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Every day he wakes up to a series of challenges and greets them with pure bravery and confidence.
He overcomes a tremendous amount of pain to stay active and maintain a life of his choosing.
He simply refuses to allow anything to hold him back in anyway.
Before I officially made the transition from drums in a rock band to lead singer and rapper Mod Sun, I had only played my songs to a handful of people.
Mike was one of them.
He told me if I decided to leave my current state of comfort and go back to starting something from the ground up, he would stand by my side the entire way.
Mike Bryan is a true inspiration and will always be one of the reasons I am who I am today.
Fight for the right to not have to fight.
The only way to surely lose a fight is by swinging back.
This ax is a metaphor on almost every situation we encounter in life.
Yes, you should fight for what you believe in, but that's not the kind of fighting with your hands.
Every battle is either won or lost within yourself.
Its like in sports, you may lose a game but you decide whether or not you played well and gave it your full effort.
The feeling you get from standing up for what you believe in will outlast the pain of any hit you'll ever take.
I believe in you.
And I am so proud that you made it this far.
There's a reason you read this book.
Its not coincidence and its not random.
You've already made the decision to enhance your life and now its time to take action.
Movement on dreams, stand under none.
It all momentarily made sense as I was soaring at 100 miles per hour through every color, shape and number to ever exist.
These things surrounding me are the very things we base our entire eternal world off of.
It would be condescending of me to ignore this observation, but truthfully I've never felt like a color, a shape or a number.
I live among those who discuss what we can't yet see.
I live for those who philosophy with details of doing and creating.
I feel as if I am tied to everything by a single strand of nothing.
This is what makes me infinite.
Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, I came to a dead stop in the center of an all black room.
A set of lips slowly lowered from the ceiling and came to a half directly in front of my face.
A blanket of security smoother than my favorite Miles Davis album wrapped itself around me.
A few seconds passes before this mouth opened up and shared with me the most beautiful sentence to ever grace my ears.
In a world of more brilliance, words don't mean anything.

Writer(s): Derek Smith

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