Bittereinder feat. Freddie Bruno & Hemelbesem - Bliksem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bittereinder feat. Freddie Bruno & Hemelbesem - Bliksem

Ek klits fluks met kletsrym en bliksem jou brein in
I quickly whip up with chat rhyme and blast your brain
Woordlitte wat flikker in skitterende verskyning
Word letters that flicker in a brilliant appearance
Ek verpletter jou heinings met ontsmetting in letters
I shatter your fences with disinfection in letters
Dit is ontsettend: die wêreld word heeltyd vetter en vetter!
It is unsettling: the world is getting fatter and fatter!
Ons eet mos van beter kniediep in kitskos se kloue
We eat better knee-deep in the claws of fast food
Moerbaie moue vol apies ingevou in geboue
Crowded anthills full of monkeys wrapped in buildings
Terwyl die koue van oorlewing ons net so liggies laat ruk!
While the cold of survival just lets us jerk!
Sluk hard en raakmik met 'n ritmiese snik-snik
Swallow hard and hit the mark with a rhythmic sob-sob
En ek ken al so stuk-stuk die aarde se padkaart
And I already know the earth's roadmap piece by piece
Hoe dit vloei in die are van elke aaklige slaggat
How it flows in the veins of every horrible pothole
En ons almal ken die mandaat: breek elke ruggraat
And we all know the mandate: break every backbone
En gryp wat jy kan voordat dit laat in jou tydlyn raak
And grab what you can before it gets late in your timeline
Daai braaksel lyk mos smaaklik as jy hondhonger is
That vomit looks tasty when you're starving, right?
Dis 'n daaglikse herhaling van die wonde en die wellus
It is a daily repetition of the wounds and lust
En so val ons beskawing van onbeskaafde barbare
And so our civilization falls from uncivilized barbarians
Wat heeltyd pluk aan die gare van die aarde se soom
Who are constantly plucking at the seams of the earth's hem
Dit was 'n waardige droom en ons waardeer nou ons beloning:
It was a worthy dream and now we appreciate our reward:
'N woning in 'n Babilonse toring en 'n koning
A dwelling in a Babylonian tower and a king
Wat 'n dowe oor draai behalwe as jy jou knie buig
Who turns a deaf ear unless you bend your knee
Ek styg op soos 'n vliegtuig om my mense diep te oortuig
I rise like an airplane to deeply convince my people
Ons kort 'n tiende sintuig want die kettings is werklik
We need a tenth sense because the chains are real
Die ratte wat nog sleg is se beperkings gaan moet regruk
The rats that are still bad will have to adjust their limitations
Ek's ernstig, ek voel dit, die masjien wil dans
I'm serious, I feel it, the machine wants to dance
Vanaand breek ons die vloer oop, dis dalk ons laaste kans
Tonight we break open the floor, it might be our last chance
Dit krul en leef en brul en beef, vra Jan F.E. Celliers
It curls and lives and bubbles and trembles, asks Jan F.E. Celliers
We fight with mics like lightning strikes that make you disappear
We fight with mics like lightning strikes that make you disappear
Freddie Bruno:
Freddie Bruno:
I'm over all these softcore rhymers who talk slick
I'm over all these softcore rhymers who talk slick
Hw they scrape bricks in bandanas and full clips
How they scrape bricks in bandanas and full clips
Couldn't work the angles if your name was geometry
Couldn't work the angles if your name was geometry
Lightning strikes twice except for when you facing me
Lightning strikes twice except for when you facing me
The name's Fred Bizzy the witty and most intricate
The name's Fred Bizzy the witty and most intricate
Type to plug in a mic and smack ya whole syndicate
Type to plug in a mic and smack ya whole syndicate
With word play dazzling rhyme schemes my mind beams
With word play dazzling rhyme schemes my mind beams
With incredible light, success a pipe dream you'll never touch
With incredible light, success a pipe dream you'll never touch
Not even your imagination could fathom this creative metaphor evaluation
Not even your imagination could fathom this creative metaphor evaluation
Ya heart will skip a beat and carry on with palpitations
Ya heart will skip a beat and carry on with palpitations
I greet you in the cypher tip my hat like salutations
I greet you in the cypher tip my hat like salutations
Welcome to the end of the road ya system will fold
Welcome to the end of the road ya system will fold
You all lip service perfect for the commode
You all lip service perfect for the commode
Perfect when I unload see how my mouth with explode
Perfect when I unload see how my mouth with explode
In the fast lane of life but ya momentum slowed
In the fast lane of life but ya momentum slowed
While I can idle in 6th gear eliminate fear when I'm working with this here
While I can idle in 6th gear eliminate fear when I'm working with this here
My walk is before me so I'm keepin it clear
My walk is before me so I'm keepin it clear
If I can't claim ya head then son I'm takin ya ear
If I can't claim ya head then son I'm takin ya ear
Hemelbesem is uber, spray net volts, wat super sayins halt
Hemelbesem is uber, spray only volts, what super sayins halt
Met 'n zing en speed soos die van Usain Bolt
With a zing and speed like that of Usain Bolt
'N rasende reus; ek ry nie een nie, ek dra my kar tot waar ek wil wees
A raging giant; I don't ride one, I carry my car to where I want to be
Mense is trots en respek, want ek staan voor 'n rots en ek rap
People are proud and respect, because I stand in front of a rock and I rap
As iemand gate in 'n rots in wil
If anyone wants holes in a rock
Ek het nie fans nie, ek het fangs met 'n ggg... aan die einde,
I don't have fans, I have fangs with a ggg... at the end,
Hulle's biddend terwyl julle ggg... in julle sluimer
They're praying while you ggg... in your slumber
Druk hulle gebit in jou gewrig in, en spyt gggg... gif in jou veins in
Push their teeth into your joints, and spit gggg... poison into your veins
My swagger is daggers, dit maak die common volk dom
My swagger is daggers, it makes the common folk dumb
My bling bling is dit wat uit 'n donderwolk kom
My bling bling is what comes out of a thundercloud
Die bliksem is soos 'n lang naald as jy kyk
Lightning is like a long needle when you look
Dis asof God tssst... met sy hand in die aarde inspuit
It's as if God tssst... injects with his hand into the earth
Die content het contempt vir dié wat God wil judge
The content has contempt for those who want to judge God
As jou voet op daai spot staan, dan vrot dit af
If your foot is on that spot, it rots off
So wees bereidwillig of jy's in stukkies jy!
So be willing or you're in pieces!
Dis jou skuld as jou shield verander in 'n blikkie spray
It's your fault if your shield turns into a can of spray
Die aroma van dood wat dit spuit, "asem in!"
The aroma of death it sprays, "breathe in!"
Jou woord is 'n swaard, maar dis stuck soos Arthur s'n
Your word is a sword, but it's stuck like Arthur's
Laat my sword aan jou bors vreet; maak van jou borsstuk 'n borsbeeld
Let my sword gnaw at your chest; turn your chest into a bust
Met hande bebloed en erns, ruk jou belt af dan staan jy met broek op enkels
With bloody hands and seriousness, pull off your belt then you stand with pants on your ankles
My donderweer maak 'n ommekeer in jou kop, I tell you
My thunderstorm makes a U-turn in your head, I tell you
Dit was 'n riller vir julle wat van opstelle hou, vat 'n trip bokveld toe
This was a thriller for those of you who like essays, take a trip to the top field
Want vandag se jeug listen mos net stip vir sulke shock value
Because today's youth only listen attentively to such shock value

Авторы: Louis Minnaar, Jaco Van Der Merwe, Peach Van Pletzen

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