George Formby - Rolling Around Piccadilly - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни George Formby - Rolling Around Piccadilly

I′m such a hot-headed young scoundrel, I might be an under-done steak
Я такой горячий молодой негодяй, может, я недоделанный стейк.
My father, you know, was a gardener,
Мой отец, знаешь, был садовником.
So I've turned out a bit of a rake
Так что у меня получилось немного рейка.
I know I′m too restless and daring,
Я знаю, что я слишком беспокойный и дерзкий,
But youth wants its fling, you're aware
Но молодость хочет, чтобы ее бросали, ты же знаешь.
I once told that to some girl's husband
Однажды я сказал это мужу какой-то девушки.
And he flung me down three flights of stairs
И он бросил меня на три лестничных пролета.
I′m so fast I′ll get into trouble, no doubt
Я так быстро попаду в неприятности, без сомнений.
I terrify London each time I go out
Я пугаю Лондон каждый раз, когда выхожу.
When I'm rolling around Piccadilly, giving the girls wrong ideas
Когда я катаюсь вокруг Пикадилли, давая девочкам неверные идеи.
Dashing along just as bold as brass,
Мчась вперед, дерзкая, как медь.
Flashing me stick on each lamp post I pass
Сверкаю меня палкой на каждом фонарном столбе, который я прохожу.
Winking me eye in a manner that made hundreds of women leave home
Подмигивая мне так, что сотни женщин покидают дом.
And the News of the World expects big things of me
И новости мира ждут от меня многого.
Ee, I′m not safe to be out alone
Э-э, мне небезопасно быть одному.
Now I'm thinking of joining a
Теперь я думаю о присоединении к ...
Nightclub, such wicked tales of them they tell
Ночной клуб, такие злые истории о них рассказывают.
I′ll join some night club where the birds are
Я присоединюсь к ночному клубу, где живут птицы.
And I might join a goose-club as well
И я тоже могу присоединиться к гусиному клубу.
I know this gay life's telling on me, my end will be tragic and grim
Я знаю, что эта веселая жизнь говорит мне, что мой конец будет трагичным и мрачным.
My dad turned me out and won′t let
Мой отец отвернулся от меня и не даст.
Me sleep on the same doorstep as him
Я сплю на том же пороге, что и он.
I've spent twice the money of other young scamps
Я потратил в два раза больше денег других молодых негодяев.
With fourpence in cash and three ha'pence in stamps
Четыре пенса в деньгах и три пенса в марках.
I go rolling around Piccadilly, making smoke come down me nose
Я катаюсь вокруг Пикадилли, заставляя дым спускаться мне в нос.
Cheap cigarettes never touch my lips,
Дешевые сигареты никогда не прикасаются к моим губам,
I only collect those fag ends with gold tips
Я только собираю эти педики с золотыми кончиками.
When I′m out I look such a gay dog,
Когда я ухожу, я выгляжу такой веселой собакой,
That a butcher once threw me a bone
Что мясник однажды бросил мне кость.
And I′ve sent Scotland Yard nearly out of their minds
И я отправил Скотланд-Ярд почти из их мыслей.
Ee, I'm not safe to be out alone
Э-э, мне небезопасно быть одному.

George Formby - George Formby: England's Famed Clown Prince of Song
George Formby: England's Famed Clown Prince of Song
дата релиза

1 John Willie's Jazz Band
2 Hitting the High Spots
3 Dare-Devil Dick
4 Baby
5 I Wonder Who's Under Her Balcony Now
6 Keep Your Seats Please
7 Do De O Do
8 I Went All Hot and Cold
9 The Joo-Jah Tree
10 Our House Is Haunted
11 In a Little Wigan Garden
12 I'm Making Headway Now
13 Said the Little Brown Hen
14 All Going Back
15 The Low-Down Lazy Turk
16 Hill Billy Willie
17 Let's All Go to Reno
18 Quick Fire Medley
19 Pardon Me
20 The Man Was a Stranger to Me
21 She's Never Been Seen Since Then
22 I Told My Baby with the Ukulele
23 I Can Tell It By My Horoscope
24 Sunbathin' in the Park
25 It's a Grand and Healthy Life
26 It's In the Air
27 Rhythm in the Alphabet
28 In the Congo
29 Tan Tan Tivvy Tally-Ho
30 Ring Your Little Bell
31 Keep Fit
32 Kiss Your Mansy Pansy
33 Oh Dear Mother
34 With My Little Ukulele in My Hand
35 Sitting Pretty with My Fingers Crossed
36 Dan, the Dairy Man
37 I Parted My Hair in the Middle
38 I Blew a Little Blast On My Whistle
39 Rolling Around Piccadilly
40 If You Don't Want the Goods, Don't Maul 'Em
41 Bunkum's Traveling Show
42 Levi's Monkey, Mike
43 I Couldn't Let the Stable Down
44 Could Make a Good Living at That
45 The Fiddler Kept On Fiddling
46 Believe It or Not
47 The Pleasure Cruise
48 She Can't Say No
49 Little Wooden Toolshed In the Garden
50 I Always Was a Willing Young Lad
51 I Don't Lie
52 Running Around the Fountain In Trafalgar Square
53 Sitting On the Sand All Night
54 John Willie Came On
55 Trailer for "Keep Fit"
56 My Ukulele
57 Does Your Dream Book Tell You That?
58 Remember Me
59 Madame Moskovitch
60 Maybe I'll Find Somebody Else
61 The Isle of Man
62 The Lancashire Hot-Pot Swingers
63 Trailing Around a Trailer
64 Have You Every Heard This One?
65 As the Hours and the Days and the Months and the Years Go By
66 Trailer for "Keep Your Seats, Please"
67 Chinese Laundry Blues
68 When We Feather Our Nest
69 With My Little Stick Of Blackpool Rock
70 Hindoo Man
71 My Little Goat And Me
72 The Lancashire Toreador
73 My Plus Fours
74 Easy Going Chap
75 You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming
76 The Window Cleaner (No. 2)
77 Like The Big Pots Do
78 Somebody's Wedding Day
79 Biceps, Muscle And Brawn
80 Wunga Bunga Boo
81 Springtime's Here Again
82 Noughts And Crosses
83 Mother, What'll I Do Now?
84 In My Little Snapshot Album
85 Our Sergeant Major
86 Frigid Air Fanny
87 Leaning On A Lamp Post
88 The Ghost
89 Goodnight Little Fellow Goodnight
90 I'm The Husband Of The Wife Of Mr. Wu
91 Swing It, George Parts 1 and 2
92 The Window Cleaner
93 They Can't Fool Me
94 Why Don't Women Like Me?
95 Sitting On the Ice In the Ice Rink
96 A Farmer's Boy
97 Radio Bungalow Town
98 Fanlight Fanny
99 Share And Share Alike
100 I Do Do Things I Do
101 The Wash House AT The Back
102 Riding in the T.T. Races
103 Swimmin' With The Wimmin'
104 The Wedding of Mr Wu
105 You Can't Keep A Growing Lad down
106 It's No Use Looking At Me
107 There's Nothing Proud About Me
108 The Best Of Schemes
109 I'm A Froggie
110 Five And Twenty Years
111 The Old Kitchen Kettle
112 You're A Li-A-Ty
113 Hi Tiddley Hi Ti Island
114 John Willie At the Licensing Office (With Company) Parts 1 and 2
115 John Willie Goes Carolling (With Company) Parts 1 and 2
116 Gallant Dick Turpin (With Company) Parts 1 and 2
117 George Formby Medley Parts 1 and 2
118 The Blue Eyed Blonde Next Door
119 It's Turned Out Nice Again

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