Jack Parow - Feite - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jack Parow - Feite

Yoh, dis die original, die vader van die afrikaans rap kak
Yo, this is the original, the father of Afrikaans rap shit
As ek slaat, laat ek die plek uitmekaar spat
When I hit, I make the place explode
Wat, wat, al die kakkes moet die pad slaat
What, what, all the losers gotta hit the road
Skaakmat, slap-stack of fokken skape plat
Checkmate, slap-stack, or fucking sheep flat
Parow gaan die fokken laaste lag, want die laaste lag kak lekker
Parow's gonna have the last laugh, 'cause the last laugh shits lekker (nice)
Jy's 'n draadtrekker, ek's die koning van die lekker plekke
You're a puppet master, I'm the king of the lekker (nice) places
Julle word almal aangetrek na my vlam soos motte
You all get drawn to my flame like moths
My totter proe soos grondboontjiebotter
My blunt tastes like peanut butter
By donker grotte, tot bo-aan die raplys
From dark caves, to the top of the rap list
Raak wys, ek's J.Z, jy's Vinilla Ys
Get wise, I'm J.Z, you're Vanilla Ice
Gorrila wys, laat die wille wys hoe word dit gedoen
Gorilla style, let the willies show how it's done
Julle almal staan rond en bont, en fokken trille soen
You all stand around and show off, and fucking shake and kiss
En pille doen, dit is vir kinders met depressie
And pop pills, that's for kids with depression
Maak oop my cd, vir n vonkelende siek sessie
Open my CD, for a sparkling sick session
Die wille wessie, van die afrikaanse zef-scene
The willy wessie (crazy one), from the Afrikaans zef-scene
So fokken check Parow uit, ek's beter as 'n wet-dream
So fucking check Parow out, I'm better than a wet dream
Daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
There's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Oh nee, daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
Oh no, there's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Oh nee, daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
Oh no, there's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Oh nee, daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
Oh no, there's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Ek's leaps and bounds above all the fokken res
I'm leaps and bounds above all the fucking rest
The fokken best rap in boksers en 'n fokken vest
The fucking best rap in boxers and a fucking vest
Never fokken stress, want ek het nie fokken tyd nie
Never fucking stress, 'cause I don't have fucking time
No way nie, nee fokken niemand ken vir my nie
No way, no, nobody fucking knows me
So baby, sit terug en luister, die stage is my tuiste
So baby, sit back and listen, the stage is my home
Ek sak yster, reg by die buiste, rap teen 'n skuinste
I drop iron, right by the pipes, rap on a slant
Spoeg soos 'n damwal, ek's kak mal
Spit like a dam wall, I'm fucking crazy
Klim op die stage en laat die kak val
Climb on the stage and let the shit fall
Spoeg kak gal, en slym uit my keel uit
Spit fucking bile, and slime from my throat
Nee great, my kak styg soos monsters uit die see uit
Nah great, my shit rises like monsters from the sea
Vee uit, en maak jou oop, ek's groë-groot
Wipe out, and open your eyes, I'm huge
Maar hoekom is daar so min geld
But why is there so little money
Hier waar ek nou oorloop, is kak droog, en ek's opsoek na oasis
Here where I'm overflowing, it's fucking dry, and I'm looking for an oasis
Ek's kak hoog, so hardloop fokken vinnig voor ek klaar is
I'm fucking high, so run fucking fast before I'm done
Puff-puff, pass-pass, fokken aan, jy's bang
Puff-puff, pass-pass, fucking on, you're scared
Sluk fokken seil soos 'n lang slang
Swallow fucking sail like a long snake
Daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
There's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Oh nee, daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
Oh no, there's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Oh nee, daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
Oh no, there's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Oh nee, daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
Oh no, there's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Ek rap straight van die wal tot in die sloot in
I rap straight from the wall into the ditch
Soos hoogspring, Parow gaan die fokken kroon terugbring
Like high jump, Parow's gonna bring the fucking crown back
Terug na die Kaap toe, terug na die bar toe
Back to the Cape, back to the bar
Gaan terug na jou ma toe, fokken Parow maak die straat toe
Go back to your mom, fucking Parow's gonna shut down the street
Klaar gedoen soos fokken long street festival
Done like fucking Long Street Festival
Die beste pil, gee jou fokken hare op jou testicals
The best pill, gives you fucking hair on your testicles
En murg in jou pype, te miste fokken ruite,
And marrow in your pipes, to miss fucking windows,
Besliste fokken greate, besliste fokken feite
Decidedly fucking great, decidedly fucking facts
So hou bene hou, of dis no-go, ou-ou, ou-ou, ou-no, ou-no
So hold your horses, or it's no-go, ou-ou, ou-ou, ou-no, ou-no
Die hele plek ruik soos Omo, jou-jou,
The whole place smells like Omo, you-you,
Want ek maak die hele fokken plek skoon
Because I clean the whole fucking place
Check oom, Parow ruik soos fokken Lux badroom
Check it out, Parow smells like a fucking Lux bathroom
Sparkling fresh like fokken sunlight liquid,
Sparkling fresh like fucking sunlight liquid,
You can't stick it, no, you're just not cricket
You can't stick it, no, you're just not cricket
La-di-da-di, soos fokken Snoop Dogg
La-di-da-di, like fucking Snoop Dogg says
Gaat lê, jy wil die kak hê, maar ek sit op die Top - Wê!
Go to bed, you want the shit, but I'm on the Top - World!
Daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
There's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Oh nee, daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
Oh no, there's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Oh nee, daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
Oh no, there's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this
Oh nee, daar's niemand so kak warm soos ek nie - uh
Oh no, there's nobody as hot as me - uh
Niemand in die plek nie - uh, niemand wat so rap nie
Nobody in the place - uh, nobody who raps like this

Авторы: Zander Tyler, Justin De Nobrega

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