Robbie Wessels - The Jackal Tackle - Snorre 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Robbie Wessels - The Jackal Tackle - Snorre 2

The Jackal Tackle - Snorre 2
The Jackal Tackle - Snorre 2
The Jackal Tackle
The Jackal Tackle
Hello Piet Van Zyl wat praat!
Hello Piet Van Zyl, how are you?
Hello Pieter dit is Snorre
Hello Pieter, it's Snorre
Ek's die coach van die Bokke
I'm the coach of the Springboks
Ek het eintlik geresign
I actually resigned
Maar toe raak ek weer betrokke
But then I got involved again
By die investigation
In the investigation
Van n tweede nine eleven
Of a second nine eleven
Die ref teen die worldcup wenners 2007
The ref against the 2007 world cup winners
Names al die Bokke
Naming all the Boks
En die tig komitee
And the citing committee
Ons respekteer jou sterk gevoelens
We respect your strong feelings
Teen n swart referee
Against a black referee
Asb luister mooi
Please listen carefully
Want dit gaan oor Bryce Lawrence
Because it's about Bryce Lawrence
En die oproep kan getrace word
And the call can be traced
Ons het net n paar sekondes
We only have a few seconds
Rudolph Straeuli het besluit
Rudolph Straeuli has decided
Op n hoogs geheime taak
On a top-secret mission
Ons soek iemand wat sy werk
We're looking for someone who can put their work
Vir n paar maande kan staak
On hold for a few months
Iemand wat weet
Someone who knows
Hoe om n referee te tackle
How to tackle a referee
Piet jou land het jou nodig
Piet, your country needs you
Jou kode naam the Jackal
Your code name is the Jackal
So is Snorre na New Zealand
So Snorre went to New Zealand
Om die ref te inspekteer
To inspect the ref
En hy vra my om vir Piet Van Zyl
And he asks me to train and motivate Piet Van Zyl
Te train en motiveer
For you, my dear
Bokke moenie worry oor die ref nie
Boks, don't worry about the ref
Bokke moenie worry oor Bryce nie
Boks, don't worry about Bryce
Pieter oefen hard op n geheime operasie
Pieter is training hard on a secret operation
The Jackal tackle Lawrence vir die nasie
The Jackal tackles Lawrence for the nation
En ek vlieg toe vir Pieter
And I flew Pieter
Met n vegter helicopter
With a fighter helicopter
Vanaf Potch tot in Jo'burg
From Potch to Jo'burg
Vir n check up by die dokter
For a check-up at the doctor
En van daar af na Las Vegas
And from there to Las Vegas
Om vir Don King te soek
To look for Don King
Vir n body shot n upper cut
For a body shot, an uppercut
N left right hook
A left-right hook
Om die referee's te wys
To show the referees
Jy bedonder nie n Bok
You don't mess with a Bok
Of jy n Aussie of n Kiwi is
Whether you're an Aussie or a Kiwi
Of David Bo Kok
Or David Bo Kok
Oop kant skeel kant
Open side, blind side
Offside is offside
Offside is offside
Blaas die blerrie fluitjie
Blow the damn whistle
Jy vat ons vir n ride
You're taking us for a ride
En toe die Rocky mountains
And then to the Rocky Mountains
Bo in Noord Kanada
Up in North Canada
Om vir Pieter te gaan train
To go and train Pieter
Soos Rocky Balboa
Like Rocky Balboa
Deur die sneeu trek hy n slee
He pulls a sled through the snow
En drink water uit n pit
And drinks water from a pit
In die aande slaap hy oor
In the evenings he sleeps over
In n eskimo hut
In an Eskimo hut
En skielik bel Snorre
And suddenly Snorre calls
Robbie waar is jy ou maat
Robbie, where are you, old friend
Rudolph Straeuli wag vir julle
Rudolph Straeuli is waiting for you
By Kamp staaldraad
At Kamp Staaldraad
Hello Snorre hoe gaan dit daar?
Hello Snorre, how are things there?
Robbie dit is koud
Robbie, it's cold
En depresief hier by die Kiwi's
And depressing here with the Kiwis
En ek mis die blerrie Bosveld
And I miss the damn Bushveld
Die karoo en al my pellies
The Karoo and all my buddies
Maar ek dink ek het gekom
But I think I've gotten
Agter die kap van die byl
Behind the crux of the matter
En ek hoop jy het jou job gedoen
And I hope you've done your job
Met Pieter Van Zyl
With Pieter Van Zyl
Want gister aand toe hoor ek
Because last night I heard
By n Kiwi ballerina
From a Kiwi ballerina
Die land is nog nie oor
The country's still not over
Die ninety five diarrhea
The ninety-five diarrhea
En toe se hulle vir Lawrence
And then they told Lawrence
Hulle gee vir hom n plaas
They're giving him a farm
As hy die Bokke bietjie gas gee
If he gives the Boks a bit of gas
En soos sy gat blaas
And blows his whistle as he pleases
Robbie luister nou mooi
Robbie, listen carefully
Hier kom baie groot sparks
There are some big sparks coming
Bryce Lawrence blaas in Junie
Bryce Lawrence is refereeing in June
Die Bulle teen die Sharks
The Bulls against the Sharks
So Bokke moenie worry oor 2011
So Boks, don't worry about 2011
Ons is champions van 95 en 2007
We are champions of 95 and 2007
En die Bokke bly die klop
And the Boks remain the beat
Van die hart van die land
Of the heart of the country
2015 speel die Bokke
In 2015, the Boks will
Weer die land aan die brand
Set the country on fire again

Авторы: Ewald Coleske, Robbie Wessels

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