Simon Dominic - jung jin chul - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Simon Dominic - jung jin chul

jung jin chul
jung jin chul
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul
직업은 패션 디자이너
He is a fashion designer
명절 때마다 조카들에게 선물해주던 비싼
During holidays, he would give his nephews expensive clothes as gifts
8살, 6살짜리 옷장엔 대부분 시장
At 8 and 6 years old, most of the clothes in our closet were from the market
년에 한두 누리는 사치스러운 행복이자
The luxurious happiness we had once or twice a year was really cool
그가 오는 날엔 구서 사진관 홀은 런웨이가
On the day he came, the shabby photo studio hall became a runway
1층에 의상실 고모는 우릴 보고 아동복 모델 같대
My aunt on the first floor in the fitting room said we looked like child models
스튜디오에 딸린 개가 식구가 먹고 자는 그리고 암실
The two rooms attached to the studio were where our family of four ate, slept, and used as a darkroom
연탄실 변소에 밤이 되면 초를 키고 나왔지
When it got dark, we would turn on the lights in the bathroom next to the coal room
우리 집에 비해 삼촌 집은 오션뷰의 좋은 빌라
Compared to our house, my uncle's house was a nice villa with an ocean view
영화 보러 있었지 아마 인디아나 존스 1탄
We went to watch a movie together once, I think it was Indiana Jones 1
돌싱이었던 그의 집엔 떠난 숙모의 흔적이 여기저기에
There were traces of his ex-wife who he was not close with here and there in his bachelor house
그런 어지러운 상황에도 우릴 데리고 하루 종일 여기저기에
Despite the messy situation, he took us around all day long
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌은 패션 디자이너
My uncle is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌은 패션 디자이너
My uncle is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌은 패션 디자이너
My uncle is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌은 패션 디자이너
My uncle is a fashion designer
그는 오로지 여자 옷만 그리고 살았대 스케치북에
He only drew and lived for women's clothes in his sketchbook
남포동 일대에 나가던 업소 누나들이 고객
His main customers were popular women who worked in the Nampo-dong nightlife district
엄마가 선물로 받았던 퍼플 모피 코트
The purple fur coat my mom received as a gift
찝찝해선지 화려해서 그랬는지 번도 입고
I don't know if it was creepy or flashy, but I never wore it once
부산에서 정진철 하면 먹어주던 시기에
When Jung Jin-chul was quite popular in Busan
서울 진출까지 해버린 어느 날은 TV에
One day, he made it to Seoul and appeared on TV
해의 패션 동향을 묻는 프로에도 나갔던 모습
He also appeared on a fashion trend show that year
자주 봐도 좋은 생기면 우리 집에 갖다 줬어
Although I didn't see him often, he always brought us good things when they came to our house
근데, 행복한 진짜 얼마 가데
But our happiness didn't last long
할머니가 쓰러진 소식은 얼마나 절망 같았게
The news of my grandmother's collapse was devastating
가족 모두가 신경을 써도 모자랄 판에
It was difficult for our entire family to look after her
삼촌이 전활 받네 어디론가 도망을 갔대
My uncle didn't answer his phone and he had run away somewhere
흠, 할머니께서는 뇌출혈로 중환자실에 동시에 치매까지
My grandmother had a cerebral hemorrhage and was in the intensive care unit, and she also had dementia
퇴원 우리 방은 병실이 됐고 날마다 똥오줌 치우기 싫어
After she was discharged from the hospital, our room became her sick room, and I hated cleaning up her poop and pee every day
집에 가기 싫어했지 길바닥에 앉아 힘들게
I hated going home, I sat on the side of the road and struggled
미나리 팔아 모은 1500 정도 삼촌이 사업 땜에
My uncle took about 1500 won that I had saved up by selling water parsley
말아먹은 너무도 미안해서 자기 엄마 낯이 없다고
He used it all in business and said he felt so bad that he didn't have the face to see his own mother
행여나 돌아가시더라도 절대로
Even if she passed away
안타까운 아빠가 형제를 잃었다는 사실과
It was so sad that my dad lost his brother
내가 슬펐던 앞으로 메이커 옷을 입을 거라는 상실감
I was sad that I wouldn't be able to wear my uncle's clothes anymore
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌 이름은 정진철 직업은 패션 디자이너
My uncle's name is Jung Jinchul and he is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌은 패션 디자이너
My uncle is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌은 패션 디자이너
My uncle is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌은 패션 디자이너
My uncle is a fashion designer
나의 삼촌은 패션 디자이너
My uncle is a fashion designer
한번 있거든
I saw it only once
드라마에 나올 법한 기적을
A miracle that could be in a drama
할머니께서 잃었던 정신이 돌아오신 모습
My grandmother's lost mind returned
치매를 극복하시고는
She overcame her dementia
우리와 함께 10년을 가까이
She was with us for nearly 10 years
임종 직전에 마지막으로 실종 신고를
Just before she passed away, she filed a missing person's report
진철이 진철이 이름을 끝까지 부르셨지만
She kept calling Jin-chul's name, but
경찰이 그의 집을 찾아갔을 완전히 꺼진 다음
When the police went to his house, all the lights were off
자취를 감춘 듯해 주소는 등본에 그대로인데
He seemed to have vanished and his address was still on the register
그가 먼저 우리를 찾아줄 거라는 기댄 없네
I don't expect him to come looking for us first
혹시나 TV 속에 나를 봤다면
I wonder if he saw me on TV
기억이나 했을까 궁금해
Did he remember me?
죄책감 따위 느낄까
Did he feel guilty?
과연 뭐가 중요해 지금 그게
What's really important now?
감감무소식인 삼촌이 고맙긴
I'm grateful for my uncle who has been out of touch
이렇게라도 인생에 도움을 주네
He's helping me in this life
사실 찾으면 좋고
Actually, it would be nice to find him
찾아도 그만이네 뭐가 중요해 지금 그게
If I can't, that's okay too, what's really important now?
노래로 사람은 누구게
Who will benefit from this song?
노래로 사람은 누구게
Who will benefit from this song?
노래로 사람은 누구게
Who will benefit from this song?
노래로 사람은 누구게
Who will benefit from this song?
노래로 사람은 누구게
Who will benefit from this song?
노래로 사람은 누구게
Who will benefit from this song?
노래로 사람은 누구게
Who will benefit from this song?
노래로 사람은 누구게
Who will benefit from this song?

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