VTEN - Oct 24 2019 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни VTEN - Oct 24 2019

Oct 24 2019
Oct 24 2019
Ayy, ayy, yeah, yeah, ayy
Ayy, ayy, yeah, yeah, ayy
सबै कुराहरू देखिराको जस्तो लाग्छ
It feels like I've seen everything
फेरि आँखा अगाडि नै बिलाए जस्तो पनि लाग्छ
It also feels like it disappeared right before my eyes
के भयो? केही थाहा छैन
What happened? I don't know
मेरो दिमागमा (Yeah) विभिन्न सोचहरुले घोचीराकाे
Various thoughts are swirling in my mind (Yeah)
मैले धेरै किन यति साह्रो सोचिराको?
Why do I think so much?
भै सकेछु पागल
I must be crazy
Ayy, छिरे जब चौकी
Ayy, when I entered the police station
Ayy, देखे मैले फौजी
Ayy, I saw the army
Ayy, खोले मैले औँठी, खोले मैले pant, खोले मैले घडी
Ayy, I took off my ring, I took off my pant, I took off my watch
सबै कुरा भुली, खोले मैले फुली
I forgot everything, I opened the pack
Ayy, फुली खोले मैले नाकबाट (खोले मैले फुली, yeah, ayy)
Ayy, I opened the pack from my nose (I opened the pack, yeah, ayy)
थाहा थिएन कहिले यस्तो पनि हुदो रहेछ
I never knew this would happen
Cops ले पनि मेरो गाना सुन्दो रैछ (Yeah)
Cops listen to my songs too (Yeah)
मलाई के थाहा बाल थिएँन यस्तो कुरा (Yeah)
I didn't know about this (Yeah)
हेरी राथेँ, मुजी, यता-उता (Yeah, yeah)
I was wandering, Muji, I was like this (Yeah, yeah)
हिडी राथेँ आफ्नै बाटो, ओ-ओ, (Ayy) आज झ्याप छु (किन?)
I was walking my own way, oh-oh, (Ayy) today I'm trapped (Why?)
मुजी, पल्याच पुलुच के हो यस्तो पारा (Yeah)
Muji, what is this behavior? (Yeah)
मुजी, मन पर्दैन पारा मेरो छाडा (Ayy)
Muji, I don't like it, my behavior is loose (Ayy)
गर्छु भन्थ्यो सोधपुछ, लग्यो मलाई उतातिर (Ayy)
He would interrogate, he took me there (Ayy)
लग्यो मलाई उता, सुरुमा खोली मैले जुत्ता
He took me there, first I took off my shoes
त्यसपछि थाहा छैन केही पनि (त्यसपछि थाहा छैन केही पनि)
After that, I don't know anything (After that, I don't know anything)
अस्पताल पुग्दा सम्म, थिएँ एकलै
By the time I reached the hospital, I was alone
चारजना cops हरु चारैतिर
Four cops all around
दिमाग सोच्न थाल्यो दुनियाँलाई बालै दिन
My mind started thinking about giving the world a child
"तँ आज भित्र जान्छस् राम्ररी जा" (Ayy)
"You're going in today, go well" (Ayy)
गएँ सिधा बाटो, त्यहाँ पनि सबै फिदा भाको
I went straight, everyone there was smitten
फर्किने बेला cops दाई photo खिच्न आको
When I was about to return, the cops came to take a photo
झन् यो कुरा देख्दा मलाई दिक्क लाग्यो
Seeing this made me feel sick
त्यसपछि भोलीपल्टै, मैले बिदा पाको
Then the next day, I got leave
सबैजना मलाई लिन आको, भन्यो मलाई दाइहरूले, "तँ किन गाको?"
Everyone came to pick me up, my brothers said, "Why did you sing?"
"खासमा D.S.P. लाई autograph दिन गाको"
"Actually, I sang to give D.S.P. an autograph"
तर भित्र छिरेपछि मलाई last पीडा भाथियो
As soon as I entered, I felt the last pain
साला, त्यति बेला तिहार आको
Dude, that's when Tihar came
Wild चिन्ता लाग्यो; म्याद थप गरी, सात दिन थुना भित्र खाद्यो
I was worried; the deadline was extended, and I spent seven days in jail
मायालुको यादमा मन खिन्न भाथियो
My heart ached for my beloved
तर मुद्दा चल्यो अदालतको visa लाग्यो (Ayy)
But the case went on, got the court's visa (Ayy)
के भयो? केही थाहा छैन
What happened? I don't know
मेरो दिमागमा विभिन्न (Yeah) सोचहरुले घोचीराकाे
Various (Yeah) thoughts are swirling in my mind
मैले धेरै किन यतिसारो सोचिराको?
Why do I think so much?
भै सकेछु पागल (Ayy)
I must be crazy (Ayy)
Rap होइन अब (Ayy), हान्नु पर्ला मादल (Yeah, yeah, ayy)
It's not rap now (Ayy), I should play Madal (Yeah, yeah, ayy)
खो-खाे-खो-खोले मैले, खोले मैले औँठी
Ope-ope-ope-ope I opened, I opened my ring
खोले मैले, खोले मैले, खोले मैले औँठी
I opened, I opened, I opened my ring
खोले मैले, खोले मैले, खोले मैले औँठी
I opened, I opened, I opened my ring
खोले मैले, खोले मैले, खोले मैले औँठी
I opened, I opened, I opened my ring
Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy
Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy
के भयो? केही थाहा छैन
What happened? I don't know
मेरो दिमागमा (Yeah) विभिन्न सोचहरुले घोचीराकाे
Various (Yeah) thoughts are swirling in my mind
मैले धेरै किन यतिसारो सोचिराको? (Yeah, ayy)
Why do I think so much? (Yeah, ayy)
तर-तर, खोले मैले, खोले मैले—
But-but, I opened, I opened—
तर-तर-तर-तर-तर-तर, खोले मैले pant
But-but-but-but-but-but, I opened my pants
खो-खो-खोले मैले pant
Ope-ope-ope I opened my pants
तर-तर-तर-तर, खोले मैले pant
But-but-but-but, I opened my pants
तर-तर-तर-तर, खोले मैले pant
But-but-but-but, I opened my pants
खोले मैले pant
I opened my pants

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