小椋佳 - まさか逆様の詩 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 小椋佳 - まさか逆様の詩

The Poem that is, Perhaps, Upside Down
陸路で六里 家内は田舎 神住む住処 住まい訪います
On a journey of six miles, my beloved wife is in the countryside. We visit the dwelling place where the gods reside.
貴(たか)き生き方 啄木鳥突(つつ)き カラス安らか 懇意のインコ
With your noble lifestyle, woodpeckers peck, crows rest, and talkative parakeets.
欅(けやき)雪焼け 銀杏難儀 桜は楽さ 奇抜な椿
Zelkova sunburned, ginkgo in distress, cherry blossoms are carefree, eccentric camellia.
庭木の際に リスが矢絣(やがすり) 狐の寝付き 鶏(にわとり)永久(とわ)に
In the corner of the garden, a squirrel with an arrow-shaped pattern, a fox dozing, chickens forever.
田舎儚い 咲くな七草 竹薮焼けた タイヤを焼いた
The countryside is ephemeral, seven herbs bloom, bamboo groves burned, tires burned.
煙(けむ)さと寒気 木炭焚くも コンロ泥んこ 田植え替え歌
Smoke and cold, burning charcoal, muddy stove, rice planting替えsongs.
お使い鰹 来たら白滝 饂飩問答 饂飩面倒
Bonito for errands, if it comes, white shirataki, udon questions, udon troubles.
二月初蟹 文庫に昆布 真鯵昧甘(あじあま) 決まり海苔巻
Early February crab, kelp in the library, fresh horse mackerel is sweet, 決まり seaweed rolls.
漢文文化 生糸の吐息 蚕の恋か 最古の恋さ
Chinese culture, the breath of raw silk, is it the love of silkworms, the oldest love?
漢詩の進化 新手(しんて)の天使 天狗の軍手 言語の権化
Evolution of Chinese poetry, new angels, tengu's work gloves, personification of language.
書き取る時か 語り懲りたか 遠目の夫婦(めおと) 抱き合う秋だ
Is it time to write, to stop talking? The distant couple embraces in the autumn.
ダンスは済んだ 最期酷(むご)いさ 倹(つま)しい始末 死なば夜話
The dance is over, the end is cruel, frugal arrangements, talk of death after dark.
戦乱乱世 都常闇(とこやみ) 食うや危うく 国難泣く子
War-torn era, the capital is always dark, eating is dangerous, children cry out for the hardship of the nation.
臭い政策 異例政令 いかん弁解 怒りを理解
Smelly politics, unusual ordinances, how can I justify? Understanding anger.
貴人断食 苦悶沈黙 覚悟地獄か 革命めくか
Noblemen fasting, anguish and silence, is it the覚悟hell? Or is it a revolution?
原罪懺悔 人権堅持 隙有り空き巣 何時しか失意
Confession of original sin, persistence of human rights, there is a gap for a burglar, and somehow there is despair.
小さな才知 苦難難無く 昨日遠のき 苦悩遠のく
Small wisdom, hardships without difficulty, yesterday is far away, suffering is far away.
威厳歓迎 力士の仕切り 手足押し当て 力士押し切り
Welcoming dignity, sumo wrestlers' shikiri, pushing hands and feet, sumo wrestlers pushing out.
祝い幸い のどか高殿 汽笛劇的 描く役替え
Celebration and happiness, peaceful high hall, dramatic whistle, depicting a role change.
役替え楽屋 苦学独学 苦学薬学 薬のリスク
Changing roles in the dressing room, studying hard, self-study, studying pharmacy, the risk of medicine.
まさか逆様 頓馬のマント まさか如何様(いかさま) チンピラピンチ
Perhaps the opposite, a foolish man's mantle, perhaps how, a hoodlum in trouble.
決まり襟巻 気概無い餓鬼 たまに蟹股 コブラ選ぶ子
Decided collar, unambitious brat, sometimes a crab leg, a kid who chooses a cobra.
確か床下 どれほど掘れど 穿(うが)ち間違う 抜け穴開けぬ
Certainly under the floor, no matter how much you dig, you dig the wrong way, and you can't make a hole.
兜に飛ぶ蚊 しがない流し 萎め梅干し 仕上げ揚げ足
Mosquitoes flying on helmets, pitiful流し, withered梅干し, final揚げ足.

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