小椋佳 - 老いらくの相聞歌 万葉集より8首を詠う - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 小椋佳 - 老いらくの相聞歌 万葉集より8首を詠う

老いらくの相聞歌 万葉集より8首を詠う
Ancient Love Poems from the Man'yōshū Vol. 8
黒髪に白髪交り 老ゆるまで
Black hair, aging, threaded with white,
かかる恋には いまだ逢はなくに
Never have I known a love such as this.
ありつつも君をば待たむ うち靡(なび)く
Yet, I will wait for you until,
我が黒髪に 霜の置くまでに
My black hair turns white, and frost falls upon it.
小半(こなから)の 酒に温もり おおらかな
Drinking sake that warms the soul,
万葉人の 心映え 胸に宿して
And carrying the sensibility of the ancients,
この一夜 歳を忘れて 恋を歌おう
Let us forget our years for one night, and sing of love.
久方の月夜を清み 梅の花
Under the clear moon of a distant land, plum blossoms,
心開けて 我が思へる君
Open your heart to my love.
久方の雨も降らぬか 雨障(つつ)み
When will the distant rain fall,
君にたぐひて この日暮らさむ
So that I may spend my days with you?
散る桜 残る桜も 散る桜
Scattering cherry blossoms, lingering cherry blossoms, all scattering,
古人(いにしえびと)の 達観は まだ先の事
The reflections of the ancients are still far ahead.
この一夜 歳甲斐もなく 恋に耽(ふけ)ろう
Tonight, let us revel in love, forgetting our age.
鳰鳥(にほどり)の潜(かづ)く池水 心あらば
Let the pool in which the grebe dives, if it has a soul,
君に我が恋ふる 心示さね
Show you the love that I feel for you.
外(よそ)に居て恋ひつつあらずば 君が家の
If I were not here, pining for you, I would be,
池に住むといふ 鴨にあらましを
A duck that lives in the pond beside your house.
恋ゆえか 若やぎ見せて その笑顔
Perhaps because of my love, my youthful smile,
よしや運命 ありとせば ただ感謝の句
Even if fate should intervene, I will only say,
この一夜 歳も悦び 恋を綴ろう
Tonight, I welcome my years, and I write of my love.
事もなく生き来しものを 老いなみに
Living my life without much thought, until old age,
I have never known a love like this.
ぬばたまの黒髪変わり 白けても
My black hair changed to white,
痛き恋には 逢う時ありけり
Now I encounter a painful love.
事もなく生き来しものを 老いなみに
Living my life without much thought, until old age,
I have never known a love like this.

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