Nitdoff - Règlel - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Nitdoff - Règlel

Nioul na teh bari dolé nan dou séw na khéss
The world is hard, baby girl, life is a struggle in the streets
Douguou na si khole you deuguou yi ma khéw ma besse
You get stabbed in the back by those you thought were your brothers
Never ever meussoul meti bameu sell my ass
Never ever thought I'd have to sell my ass
Still underground mc boudé rap my best
Still underground mc, forgotten rap is my best
I run this game and i keep rep my tess
I run this game, girl, and I keep repping my hood
Deugu leu tchi mbed paris yi j'ai vendu la neige
From the projects to the fancy streets of Paris, I sold the snow
Démna tchi gardav mais meussou degg j'ai vendu la meche
I was discreet, but I slipped up, I gave up the game
How many time la dougu tchi taukhidouna dem jail
How many times have I been locked up for drug dealing?
How many time la yoné cash money comptel
How many times have I counted cash money?
How many time la deh founiouma braqué gun
How many times have I pulled out a gun?
Mded nimouy diouré nonou leu meuné taguéy dome
I don't want to hear "no" when I tag my name
Gni leu beugu douniou diouk tchi pleure yi mais do djiss
I see the tears of those who cry, but I keep going
Loudoul money apeuko beu Fleury merogis
Lots of money flowing from Fleury to Rungis
Polizia bou guéné gun derotou neroy tiss
The police are after me, gunshots ring out in the night
Fi kounie fi dathie si kess yaube rek seu mérey tiss
No trust, no loyalty, only the money matters
How many time laniou fi kill nit tchi injustice
How many times have I witnessed injustice and killings?
Bakenou nguew mo gun bou nit kou nioul si sen guiss guiss
I point my gun at anyone who messes with me
Niak pékhé pékhé leu la moudjie def slogan
Quietly, in the shadows, I make my statement
Kamikazou tchi ay deal beu moudié done delinquant
A kamikaze dealing in the streets, a true delinquent
Fadiar tél nga degu thioy yi feugu percusion
The rhythm hits hard, like the beat of a drum
Caguoulewou andi seni dog yi tekk la pression
Cops are on our tails, the pressure is on
How many time laniou fi seuf nit bounie amoul ay preuves
How many times have I been accused without proof?
Signer loleu procès verbal you woutek sey dieuf
Signing false statements, putting my faith in God
Sodé black juge bi dafley feugu ay years
Facing a black judge, I get slammed with years
Sodé white lou cas bi graaw sursis ngey dieul
Facing a white judge, I get off with probation
Now you know loutakh ma rancunier beu meulni sisra
Now you know why I'm resentful, girl
Limeuley tegual ni dou movie ladial boy Mirsa
My life's a movie, like Mirza
How many time laleu thioyyi kepp amoulo pepp
How many times have I seen them arrested without pepper spray?
Niou humilier djiap door banopi pomp leu gaz
Humiliated, hands up against the wall, getting gassed
How many time lanioula taf fekk nga yoré sa money
How many times have I had my money stolen?
Niou foukatiko neleu diougu fi mba niou takal leu lame yi
We fight back, we're not going to let them walk all over us
Enbrouille sous le prehaut ça part en couille
Trouble under the overpass, things get out of control
Ça tape la barre fixe les pompes et les raquetteur fouille
They raid the place, searching everyone for weapons
Transact au parloir pour faire passer le bedo
Deals in the visiting room, smuggling weed
C'est la baston pour les pointeurs et les pédos
It's a brawl between the snitches and the pedos
How many time la deup niew indalé ay briques
How many times have I brought in bricks?
Reglel comme que rethiou meunouta sopi ay dieuf
Settled, just like the bills, I take care of my God
Th gua dal diam bala guay diouk di deff
Gunshots, bullets fly, I make them fall
Reglel comme que weurseuk bila yallah diaglel
Settled, just like worries disappear with God's help
Digua si diot sa you waxtou bimou ko nam dioté koneu reglel
Watch what you say, or you'll pay the price, it's settled
Comme que rethiou meunouta sopi ay dieuf
Just like the bills, I take care of my God
Th gua dal diam bala guay diouk di deff
Gunshots, bullets fly, I make them fall
Reglel comme que weurseuk bila yallah diaglel
Settled, just like worries disappear with God's help
Digua si diot sa you waxtou bimou ko nam dioté koneu reglel
Watch what you say, or you'll pay the price, it's settled
Lou yague nèh si sama mind leu
What's on my mind?
Yagua loukhi sama beut
What's in my heart?
Make Money by any meaneu toukeul sama life
Make money by any means, that's my life
Toute tank tchi bounteu life mane mi tougueul lameu fekk
Every time life gets tough, I pull out the blade
Mbed diokhma dioumtouway yi ndéké tendre nameu piège
I set traps for my enemies
Chaque night soumey gnibi galé compté ay liyass
Every night, I count stacks of cash
Deuk hotel ak villa di dokh si shopping ak voyage
Hotels and villas, shopping and travel
Poche you diss ak meuneu tchiatche dafey yomb nga serrer meuf
Pockets full of cash, I'm a player, seducing women
Cristal bi wekh neu tal banopi di guen zero neuf
Sipping Cristal champagne, dialing 09
Marcadet Clignancourt Auber ak PLC
Marcadet, Clignancourt, Auber, and Place de Clichy
Takassounou printemps laniouma grillé tchi ay jumelle
Springtime hustling, spotted by binoculars
Gnénti fane lanie tchi tekk may doga kham ni kasso mél
I remember the days when my dog was with me, broke but loyal
Fadiar tèl oxy feugu bounte diokhé la gamelle
Pushing oxy, trying to make a living
Bitch yimeu dane batterel ken niewoul parloir
Bitches fighting over me during visiting hours
Wathie promenade bi niakantèko tchi raak général
Walking in the yard, meeting with the general
Refus d'optemperer commission bi yaube meu mitard
Refusing to comply, sent to solitary confinement
Few month later out of jail délou case depart
A few months later, out of jail, starting over
Reglel comme que rethiou meunouta sopi ay dieuf
Settled, just like the bills, I take care of my God
Th gua dal diam bala guay diouk di deff
Gunshots, bullets fly, I make them fall
Reglel comme que weurseuk bila yallah diaglel
Settled, just like worries disappear with God's help
Digua si diot sa you waxtou bimou ko nam dioté koneu reglel
Watch what you say, or you'll pay the price, it's settled
Comme que rethiou meunouta sopi ay dieuf
Just like the bills, I take care of my God
Th gua dal diam bala guay diouk di deff
Gunshots, bullets fly, I make them fall
Reglel comme que weurseuk bila yallah diaglel
Settled, just like worries disappear with God's help
Digua si diot sa you waxtou bimou ko nam dioté koneu reglel
Watch what you say, or you'll pay the price, it's settled
Bi life dalay cambal
Life's a gamble
Lou yomb lalay tamal
What's happening is serious
Ay nakhi néen lay moudj doneu gua doneu diam diko ramal
There are things you won't understand, gunfire and chaos
Def na tchi mbed Paris ay putain dégâts you bari
From the streets of Paris, so much damage
Tay rethiou lama diké ndakh yakh na si life diambour
My worries are gone, now I'm living my life like a drumbeat
Beugone tekki waral ma eupeul melni kouy djiro
They try to stop me, but I won't be tamed
Nitt kima diamone pakka kane moma wakh déwoul
I'm like a diamond, you can't break me
Kima yabilone péer kane moma wakh ni overdozoul
Like Babylon, you can't overdose on me
Ay lathie you amoul tontou ma warko layo ak bourbi yallah
No regrets, I entrust my life to God
Donté douma modèle mais meune gua diang si sama sons yi
Don't take me as a role model, but listen to my songs
Xelou xalé moma diapone ba tay may toup sama torts yi
Young people, don't repeat my mistakes
Niou bari si nioune système niou poussé pour niou fauter
We're trapped in the system, they push us to make mistakes
Ndakh amouniou pép mounouniou delou galé ak lokho néen
There's no hope, we're stuck in this mess
Dagay dièma diouk takhalou tchi ay montres ak ceintures
I show off my watches and belts
Dou tioy yi indil leu fitneu deuk tchi bavures
You deny the facts, hiding the police brutality
Sometimes meuno comp sori sa deuk nimou mété
Sometimes I regret my choices
Xeuy toumouranké fi gaaw neu lolou fi dafay bété
The shame makes me sick, I don't want to go through that again
Ndiaboot guagui xaar gua yooné mandat weer bi dead neu
The devil is lurking, issuing arrest warrants, they want me dead
Daniouy fok fi xaliss dagay seukh lep yombou
We have to fight to protect our livelihood
Sometimes niou fatali leu diw defat neu sén keur
Sometimes we have to confront our destiny
Mou geune leu yokk khaptal ndakh froissé nagn seu égo
I refuse to be humiliated, they can't bruise my ego
Gua beug prouver say mbook que do yafouss
I have to prove myself, show them I'm not weak
Takh mou dougeul leu si yeneen ak yeneen you know
I have to make it for myself and my people, you know
Diemou ma layal keen but sometimes
I try to stay loyal, but sometimes
It's not easy, it's not easy bro you knowh
It's not easy, it's not easy, bro, you know
So no matter work dou yag bali aramone dagane man
So no matter what, I'll keep working hard
Boula yallah dioxé occasion wala seu chance
I pray to God for opportunities and chances
Nagua ko saisira dièma tégouwat si yoon bou dioup bi bro
I'll seize them, I won't let them slip away, bro
Yalnaniou yallah sameu diégal niou bro
May God be with us all, bro
Reglel comme que rethiou meunouta sopi ay dieuf
Settled, just like the bills, I take care of my God
Th gua dal diam bala guay diouk di deff
Gunshots, bullets fly, I make them fall
Reglel comme que weurseuk bila yallah diaglel
Settled, just like worries disappear with God's help
Digua si diot sa you waxtou bimou ko nam dioté koneu reglel
Watch what you say, or you'll pay the price, it's settled
Comme que rethiou meunouta sopi ay dieuf
Just like the bills, I take care of my God
Th gua dal diam bala guay diouk di deff
Gunshots, bullets fly, I make them fall
Reglel comme que weurseuk bila yallah diaglel
Settled, just like worries disappear with God's help
Digua si diot sa you waxtou bimou ko nam dioté koneu reglel
Watch what you say, or you'll pay the price, it's settled

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