Bobby van Jaarsveld - Soet en Bitter - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bobby van Jaarsveld - Soet en Bitter

Soet en Bitter
Sweet and Bitter
Jy het belowe
You promised
Om te kyk diep in my
To look deep into my eyes
Om die beste van my te glo
To believe the best of me
Al sou jy ander stories hoor
Even if you heard other stories
Daar was 'n oomblik
There was a moment
Wat die aarde pad gegee het
That made the earth move
En dit wat ons gesê het
And what we said
Al was wat ons twee gered het
Might have been all that saved us two
Want jy bly... my rede
Because you stay... my reason
Oooooo . bly ...
Oooooo . stay ...
Want daar is niemand
Because there's no one
Wat my ken soos jy
Who knows me like you do
Wat by my sal bly
Who will stand by me
Deur soet en bitter tye
Through sweet and bitter times
Daar is geen ander
There is no other
Liefde hier vir my
Love here for me
My hart het jou gekry
My heart has found you
Selfs al sou die lewe
Even though life might
Soet en bitter bly
Stay sweet and bitter
Want dit is geen verrassing
Because it's no surprise
Twee is beter as 'n enkeling
Two is better than one
Jy't gekom hier tot my redding
You came to my rescue
Jy was ook maar net betyds
Just in the nick of time
So ek veg teen my emosies
So I fight against my feelings
Soek 'n einde vir die storie
Looking for an end to the story
En my hart is daar vir jou
And my heart is there for you
Jy is die een vir my gemaak
You're the one I was made for
Want jy bly... my rede
Because you stay... my reason
Ooooooo ... Bly...
Ooooooo ... Stay...
Want daar is niemand
Because there's no one
Wat my ken soos jy
Who knows me like you do
Wat by my sal bly
Who will stand by me
Deur soet en bitter tye
Through sweet and bitter times
Daar is geen ander
There is no other
Liefde hier vir my
Love here for me
My hart het jou gekry
My heart has found you
Selfs al sou die lewe
Even though life might
Soet en bitter bly
Stay sweet and bitter
Die son vertel
The sun tells
Kom hemel kom hel
Come hell or high water
Ek is joune
I'm yours
En waar ons was
And where we were
Tot waar ons is
To where we are
Ek's joune
I'm yours
Want daar is niemand
Because there's no one
Wat my ken soos jy
Who knows me like you do
Wat by my sal bly
Who will stand by me
Deur soet en bitter tye
Through sweet and bitter times
Daar is geen ander
There is no other
Liefde hier vir my
Love here for me
My hart het jou gekry
My heart has found you
Selfs al sou die lewe
Even though life might
Soet en bitter bly
Stay sweet and bitter

Авторы: Riana Nel

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