Kemyrah - Sary an-tsaina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kemyrah - Sary an-tsaina

Sary an-tsaina
Mba alaivo sary an-tsaina hoe Gasy manantena
Imagine, my love, Malagasy people with hope,
Hoe tsy ho nofinofy intsony ilay hibata fandresena
That carrying the victory would no longer be a dream.
Mba alaivo sary an-tsaina hoe madio be ny tanàna
Imagine, my love, that hands are clean,
Dia ilay toe-tsaina koa torak'izany
And so are the minds.
Dia miaro ny vahoaka ny manam-pahefana
That those in power protect the people,
Dia hoe tena mihatra amin'izay ny lalàna
And the law is truly enforced.
Alaivo sary an-tsaina hoe milamina ny fiarahamonina
Imagine, my love, a harmonious society,
Dia ilay Madagasikara feno fandriam-pahalemana no mahate honina
A Madagascar full of peace and tranquility, a pleasant place to live.
Dia mianatra daholy ny zaza gasy
Where every Malagasy child gets a good education,
Namany hatramin'ny taratasy
Befriending paper and pen.
Dia ny rehetra afaka haneho ny heviny tsy an-katerena tsy ambanana basy
Where everyone can express themselves freely, without coercion, without a gun pointed at them.
Dia ho feno ankizy am'zay ny dabilion-tsekoly ato ho ato
And schools would be overflowing with children,
Tsy hoe hangataka an-dalam-be hoatry ny ataon'ireo Zazakanto
Not begging on the streets like the Zazaknto kids.
Alaivo sary an-tsaina hoe tsisy intsony ny mpangataka, tsisy intsony ny mpangalatra
Imagine, my love, a world without beggars, without thieves,
Dia hanjaka amin'ny fiaraha-monina ny fifankatiavana sy ny fihavanana
Where love and harmony prevail.
Dia hoatry ny any Afinda eny analakely
Like in the peaceful land of Afinda,
Tsy ho voahambana amin'ny antsy rehefa eny amin'ny lalan-kely
No one would be attacked with a knife on the small streets.
Alaivo sary an-tsaina hoe tsy olana ny vola
Imagine, my love, that money is not an issue,
Ny toetra, ny fihavanana hoatry ny fahagola
Character and solidarity, like in the old days.
Hoe miakatra amin'izay ny sandan'ny Ariary ry longo
That the value of Ariary rises, my friend,
Amzay ilay sipa Malagasy tsisy ho raofindry Vozongo
And no Malagasy girl would be taken by the Vozongo.
Hoe Malagasy mahay miaina
Malagasy people living well,
Tsy voazanajanaka ara-tsaina
Free from mental slavery.
Ho lavitry ny fahoriana, ho lavitry ny fanaratsiana
Far from sorrow, far from slander.
Lazaiko aminao
I'm telling you,
Izao fiainana izao
This life,
Tsy ho sento sy hakiviana sy haratsiana lava foana izao
It won't always be sorrow, despair, and enduring wickedness,
Fa ho avy aminao ilay masoandro vao
For a new sun will rise from you.
Lazaiko aminao
I'm telling you,
Izao fiainana izao
This life,
Tsy ho sento sy hakiviana sy haratsiana lava foana izao
It won't always be sorrow, despair, and enduring wickedness,
Fa ho avy aminao ilay masoandro vao
For a new sun will rise from you.
Ahoana raha tsaraina ara-potoana
What if those held in emergency in Antanimora,
Ireo voatazona vonjy maika eny Antanimora
Were judged in a timely manner.
Alaivo sary an-tsaina hoe tsisy afa-bela
Imagine, my love, no one above the law,
Izay maty manota dia tsy afaka mora
Those who die sinning cannot escape easily.
Dia tsisy kolikoly intsony eny amin'ny fitsarana
No more shady dealings in court,
Hoe rehefa misy vola dia afaka maina
Where money talks and buys freedom.
Hoe tena mba hiasa ireo mpanao lalàna
That lawmakers would actually work,
Ny solom-bavam-bahoaka mba mihaino taraina
And representatives would listen to the people's grievances.
Alaivo sary an-tsaina hoe ny vidiny harem-pirenena
Imagine, my love, the national budget,
Hanaovana asa sosialy mibaribary
Used for visible social works.
Ho foana amin'izay ny tsindry hazo lena
The "tsindry hazo lena" would be eradicated,
Mahatonga ny fiainana eto Dago tsy zarizary
Making life in Madagascar bearable.
Alaivo sary an-tsaina na iray minitra monja
Imagine, my love, even for a minute,
Tsy misy gadra, tsy misy ny fonja
No prisons, no jails.
Ilay Malagasy kely ho lavitry ny loza
The little Malagasy people, free from danger,
Dia hiala amzay le toe-tsaina-na foza
Leaving behind the mentality of deceit.
Hoe mifankatia lavitry ny lolom-po
Loving each other, far from resentment,
Fitiavana no manjaka
Where love reigns supreme.
Hoe tena firaisan-kina amin'izay no mahazo laka
True unity would prevail,
Heritrereto hoe rehefa mba mitaky ianao dia misy mahare
Imagine, my love, when you speak up, someone listens.
Hoe hibata ny fandresena amin'izay ny ekipan'ny Barea
That the Barea team would finally achieve victory.
Alaivo sary an-tsaina
Imagine, my love,
Aleo manonofy mandritra ny ora maro
Let's dream for hours,
Satria izay ihany no mba afaka ataon'ireo tanora maro
Because that's all many young people can do.
Miainga amin'ny tsirairay anie ny fivoarana
Change starts with each individual,
Zarao amin'ny namanao koa izay hanananao
Share what you have with your neighbor.
Lazaiko aminao
I'm telling you,
Izao fiainana izao
This life,
Tsy ho sento sy hakiviana sy haratsiana lava foana izao
It won't always be sorrow, despair, and enduring wickedness,
Fa ho avy aminao ilay masoandro vao
For a new sun will rise from you.
Lazaiko aminao
I'm telling you,
Izao fiainana izao
This life,
Tsy ho sento sy hakiviana sy haratsiana lava foana izao
It won't always be sorrow, despair, and enduring wickedness,
Fa ho avy aminao ilay masoandro vao
For a new sun will rise from you.
Mbola ho avy ny anjaranao
Your time will come.

Авторы: Tahiana Andrianiaina

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