Ummon - Bino - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon - Bino

O'n beshinchi qavatdaman,
I am on the fifteenth floor,
Boqaman derazamdan to'g'riga.
Looking out of my window straight.
Bir qo'limda qora qahva,
In one hand I have black coffee,
Birida sening surating.
In the other, a picture of you.
Shahar uyquga ketmoqda yana,
The city is going to sleep again,
Chorrahalarda o'chadi chiroq.
The traffic lights are turning off at the crossroads.
Men turgan binoga bir bor qara,
I look at the building I live in once more,
Faqat mening xonam yonib turar.
Only my room is lit up.
Ko'zlaringni sog'inaman yiroqdan,
I miss your eyes from afar,
Lek zo'rg'a ko'rinadi jisming.
But your body is barely visible.
So'zlaringni sog'inaman uzoqdan,
I miss your words from afar,
Lek shahar shovqini jim turar.
But the city noise is quiet.
Sen nega yashaysan mening ro'paramda,
Why do you live opposite me,
Ro'paramdagi baland binoda?
In the tall building opposite me?
Ko'rgim kelar ko'zlaring,
I want to see your eyes,
Sog'inganman hidlaring,
I miss your scent,
Zo'rg'a ko'rinar jisming.
Your body is barely visible.
O'n to'rtinchi qavatdasan,
You are on the fourteenth floor,
Onda-sonda ko'z tashlab o'tasan.
From time to time, you glance over.
Xonangda yopilgan parda,
The curtains are drawn in your room,
Soyang yashar ro'paramda.
Your shadow lives opposite me.
Sog'inganman nigohlaring,
I miss your looks,
Shamol olib kelsin hidlaring.
May the wind bring me your scent.
Men turgan binoga bir bor qara,
I look at the building I live in once more,
Faqat mening xonam yonib turar.
Only my room is lit up.
Ular olib qo'ydi seni mendan,
They took you away from me,
Yo'q dedi hatto uydagilaring ham.
Even your family said no.
Biz yashaymiz bir biriga qaragan binoda,
We live in buildings facing each other,
Sen u yoqda, men bu yoqda.
You over there, me over here.
Yor, tez-tez ko'z tashlab turgin men tomonga,
Darling, look over here often,
Sog'inchlarim cho'ktirmoqda asta armonga.
My longing is slowly drowning my hope.
Shahar uyquga ketib bo'ldi, faqat sen bilan men
The city has gone to sleep, but only you and I
Boqamiz uzoqdan bir birimizga.
Look at each other from afar.
Ko'zlaringni sog'inaman yiroqdan,
I miss your eyes from afar,
Lek zo'rg'a ko'rinadi jisming.
But your body is barely visible.
So'zlaringni sog'inaman uzoqdan,
I miss your words from afar,
Lek shahar shovqini jim turar.
But the city noise is quiet.
Sen nega yashaysan mening ro'paramda,
Why do you live opposite me,
Ro'paramdagi baland binoda?
In the tall building opposite me?
Ko'rgim kelar ko'zlaring,
I want to see your eyes,
Sog'inganman hidlaring,
I miss your scent,
Zo'rg'a ko'rinar jisming.
Your body is barely visible.

Авторы: zohid riskiyev

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