Ummon - Dengiz - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon - Dengiz

The Sea
Suzmoqdaman oqimga qarshi,
I swim against the current for myself,
Senga esa oqimda yaxshi.
But for you, the current is good.
Suzmoqdaman o'z baxtim uchun ortga,
I swim back for my own happiness,
Charchadim, nahot kelmaysan yordamga?
I'm tired, why don't you come to my aid?
Nahotki, unutding sen meni,
If you have forgotten me,
Nahotki, shunchalar bo'ldimi oson?
If it has become so easy?
Nega unda unutolmasdan seni,
Why can't I forget you then,
Sovuq qotarman ochiq dengizda hamon?
Am I still suffering in the open sea?
Kim bilibdi, derman o'shanda
Who would have thought that when you were a remedy
Bunchalar o'zgarib ketasan deb,
You would change so much,
Yuz bor o'qidim yozgan maktublaring.
I have read your letters a hundred times.
Bir umr faqat sizni sevaman deb,
I loved you for a lifetime,
Siz uchun, hatto jonim beraman deb,
I would even give my life for you,
Yuragimning har bir zarbida siz deb,
In every beat of my heart,
Yolg'onlaringga cho'ktirib ketding.
You drowned me with your lies.
Bir umr faqat sizni sevaman deb,
I loved you for a lifetime,
Siz uchun, hatto jonim beraman deb,
I would even give my life for you,
Yuragimning har bir zarbida siz deb,
In every beat of my heart,
Qasamlaringni unutib ketding.
You forgot your oaths.
Endi sensiz kelar, ketar fasllar,
Now the seasons will come and go without you,
"Manga faqat siz kerak, kerak emas qasrlar".
"I only need you, I don't need palaces".
Yarim yo'lda bo'linib ketdi manzillar,
Halfway there, the destinations were divided,
Sezmabsan sani sevganimni qanchalar.
You do not feel how much I love you.
To'rt tarafimdan ezaveradi devor,
Four walls torment me on all sides,
Sen ketdingu va dunyo bo'ldi-qoldi tor.
You left and the world became narrow.
Kim bilan uyquga ketmoqdasan kechalar,
Who are you falling asleep with at night,
Shu haqida o'ylasam, netay yurak sanchilar.
Just thinking about it breaks my heart.
Hammasi go'yoki tushday,
It's all like a dream,
Har tong uyg'onaman qanotsiz qushday.
Every morning I wake up like a wingless bird.
O'tgan kunlar naqadar go'zal edi,
How beautiful the past days were,
Ertangi kun bo'lib qoldi bo'm-bo'shday.
Tomorrow became empty.
Nega qanotimni sindirding?
Why did you break my wings?
Quladim hech kimsasiz dengizga.
I fell into the sea with no one.
Qo'l cho'zib, kutgandim yordaming,
With outstretched hands, I waited for your help,
Birga bo'lsak bo'ldi ediku bizga.
If we were together, it would have been a joy for us.
Kim bilibdi, derman o'shanda
Who would have thought that when you were a remedy
Bunchalar o'zgarib ketasan deb,
You would change so much,
Ming bor o'qidim yozgan maktublaring.
I read your letters a thousand times.
Bir umr faqat sizni sevaman deb,
I loved you for a lifetime,
Siz uchun, hatto jonim beraman deb,
I would even give my life for you,
Yuragimning har bir zarbida siz deb,
In every beat of my heart,
Yolg'onlaringga cho'ktirib ketding.
You drowned me with your lies.
Bir umr faqat sizni sevaman deb,
I loved you for a lifetime,
Siz uchun, hatto jonim beraman deb,
I would even give my life for you,
Yuragimning har bir zarbida siz deb,
In every beat of my heart,
Qasamlaringni unutib ketding.
You forgot your oaths.
Orzularimni olib ketding, qoldi ko'z yosh,
You took my dreams away, leaving me with tears,
Yulduzlarga qarab, o'ylab yotaman ko'tarmay bosh.
Looking at the stars, I think and can't lift my head.
Hammasidan alam qilgani yuzingdagi quvonch,
What hurts the most is the joy on your face,
Ketasan deb, yo'limni to'sma, qoch!
If you are leaving, don't stand in my way, run away!
Bir umr faqat sizni sevaman deb,
I loved you for a lifetime,
Siz uchun, hatto jonim beraman deb,
I would even give my life for you,
Yuragimning har bir zarbida siz deb,
In every beat of my heart,
Yolg'onlaringga cho'ktirib ketding.
You drowned me with your lies.
Har nafasimda sizni sevaman deb,
In every breath, I love you,
Siz uchun hatto jonim beraman deb,
I would even give my life for you,
Yuragimning har bir zarbida siz deb,
In every beat of my heart,
Qasamlaringni unutib ketding.
You forgot your oaths.

Авторы: Zohid Riskiyev

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