Ummon - Kechirgin - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon - Kechirgin

Bir o'zimman yana...
All alone again...
My loneliness...
Ko'chada yomg'ir...
Raining in the street...
Uyda esa og'ir...
And heavy in my head...
Kecha u uzatildi...
Last night was long...
Kecha uni yo'qotdim...
Last night I lost you...
Qo'limda suratlari...
I have your pictures...
Ustida ko'z yoshlarim...
With my tears on it...
Endi unga tunlar xatlar yozolmayman,
Now I can't write you no more letters in the night,
Kunduzi gullar bilan bezolmayman,
I can't decorate you with flowers in the day,
Uni yo'qotganimga ishonmayman,
I can't believe that I lost you,
I can't believe it...
Yog'ayotgan yomg'ir - uni ko'z yoshlaridir,
The rain that is falling is your tears,
U qiynalmoqda, buni sezmoqdadir dil.
You are in pain, and my heart feels it.
Uni yo'qotganimga ishonmayman,
I can't believe that I lost you,
I can't believe it...
Sen meni kechirgin,
Forgive me,
Yana ko'zlaringda yosh...
Tears in your eyes again...
Yana men sababchiman,
I'm the reason again,
Yuzingda yo'qdir quvonch...
There is no joy on your face...
Axir bilar edim-kuuuu
After all, I knew...
Senga yetmasdi qo'lim.
That I wasn't enough for you.
Seni yosh uzatishdi,
You were sent away in tears,
Yetmadi vaqtim...
I didn't have enough time...
Meni kechir,
Forgive me,
Menimcha, endi hech qachon esimdan chiqmasa kerak
I think that bus number sixty seven will never leave my mind
Oltmish yettinchi avtobus.
Because it was always there
Chunki unda har doim sen kelarding oldimga,
And you would always get off it in front of me,
Va yana o'sha yashil avtobus
And that same green bus
Olib ketardi seni uyingga.
Would take you home.
Kecha esa, uzun qora Limuzinda
But last night, in a long black Limousine,
O'tirardi kimdir yoningda,
Someone sat next to you,
Seni yosh uzatishdi,
You were sent away in tears,
O'n yetti yoshingda...
When you were seventeen...
Men seni sevaman,
I love you,
So'zlarimga ishon.
Believe my words.
Hech bo'lmaganda
At least
Bir yil vaqt bo'lganida,
When a year had passed,
Ishon, seni dunyodagi
Believe me, I would make you
Eng baxtli qiz qilar edim.
The happiest girl in the world.
Agarda bo'lganida,
If only,
Yana ozgina imkon.
I had a little more time.
Baxtli kunlarim
My happy days
Uchib ketdi yiroqqa
Have flown so far away
Baxtsiz kunlarim meni
My unhappy days are
Tashlamoqda firoqqa.
Driving me to perdition.
Men seni har bir nafasimda sevaman,
I love you with every breath I take,
Qanday yashaymiz endi bir-birimizdan yiroqda?!
How can we live so far apart?!
Endi unga tunlar xatlar yozolmayman,
Now I can't write you no more letters in the night,
Kunduzi gullar bilan bezolmaymann
I can't decorate you with flowers in the day,
Uni yo'qotganimga ishonmayman
I can't believe that I lost you,
I can't believe it...
Yog'ayotgan yomg'ir uni ko'z yoshlaridir,
The rain that is falling is your tears,
U qiynalmoqda, buni sezmoqdadir dil,
You are in pain, and my heart feels it,
Uni yo'qotganimga ishonmayman
I can't believe that I lost you,
I can't believe it...
Sen meni kechirgin,
Forgive me,
Yana ko'zlaringda yosh.
Tears in your eyes again.
Yana men sababchiman,
I'm the reason again,
Yuzingda yo'qdir quvonch.
There is no joy on your face.
Axir bilar edim-kuuuu,
After all, I knew...
Senga yetmasdi qo'lim.
That I wasn't enough for you.
Seni yosh uzatishdi,
You were sent away in tears,
Yetmadi vaqtim...
I didn't have enough time...

Авторы: Zohid Riskiyev

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