Ummon - Sen - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon - Sen

Nahotki ikkimizdan ham bir
We could not find the right
Kerakli so'z topilmasa,
Words for each other,
Nahotki bu keraksiz mavzu
We could not get rid of this unnecessary topic
Ochilsa-yu yopilmasa
Which opened up - and closed,
Nahotki baxtim deganim
We could not see fortune,
Endi armonim bo'lib qolasan,
Which become my sorrow,
Nahotki yarim bo'lagim
We could not be together,
Ko'nglim yarmim bo'lib olasan,
My heart broke into two,
Uch kundan beri uyqu yo'q
I haven't slept for three days,
Almashtiradi uyqu yoshni
Sleep changes age
Lekin menga farqi yo'q,
But it does not matter to me,
Halovat yo'qolgan topilmaydi o'zimni qo'ygani joy,
I can not find the place where I put my joy,
Holim hech kim bilmaydi lek yurak so'rar najot,
No one knows my condition, but my heart wants salvation,
O'sha kundan beri qiziqtirmas ob-havo,
I have not been interested in the weather since that day
Qiziqtirmas olam,
Not interested in the world,
Tegidagi navo,
New melodies,
Qilolmay tasavvur,
I can not imagine,
Xayolda bitta savol,
One question in my mind
Shuncha yillar asragan baxtim topdimi zavol?
Did my fortune I have been protecting for years come to an end?
O mani baxtim,
Oh my fortune,
Qarshingdaman so'nggi bor.
I am here in front of you for the last time,
Nahot qolmadi vahtim,
We could not have our time
So'zlarim tingla so'nggi bor.
Listen to my last words,
O mani baxtim,
Oh my fortune,
Endi bir o'zing yet orzularimizga.
Now you and only you are enough for our dreams.
Qolmadi vahtim
We could not have our time,
Ko'z yoshlaringni ko'rsatmagin hech kimga.
Don't show your tears to anyone,
Ooooooo ketaver go'zalim ortinga hech qayrilma.
Oh go away, my beauty, and never come back,
Mayli baxtli bo'l meni esa hech o'ylama.
May you be happy and never think of me,
Ooooooo sen ketaver go'zalim ortinga hech qayrilma.
Oh go away, my beauty, and never come back,
Sevganing bilan baxtli bo'l hech qachon undan ayrilma.
Be happy with your lover and never leave him.
Endi mani ko'zlarim bilan olamga qara.
Now look at the world with my eyes.
Shunda qanchalik sevganim qilolasan faraz.
Then you will understand how much I loved you,
Oddiy ko'chalardan topib go'zal manzara,
Finding beautiful scenery from ordinary paths,
Xayotga sevgan ko'zlar bilan qara.
Look at life through eyes that love,
Endi mani quvonchim bilan boshlagin kuning.
Now start your day with my joy,
Baxt sababchi bo'lsin ko'zing yoshlagan kuning.
Let your day be full of happiness with your eyes,
Endi mani qo'ng'iroqlarim buzmaydi tuning.
Now my calls will not disturb your night,
Endi yuzingdagi tabassum bo'lmaydi sun'iy.
Now the smile on your face will not be artificial,
Endi xayotimni nuri bilan yorit yo'ling.
Now, illuminate your path with the light of my life,
Qiyin bo'lgandi orzularimiz tutsin qo'ling.
It was hard, our dreams turned into smoke in your hand,
Endi mani felim bilan tashvishga beparvo
Now, be careless about worries with my happiness
Bo'lib shirin xayollairngda qilaver parvoz.
And fly in your sweet dreams,
Endi bo'lsin o'sha shirin tushlaring bari rost
Now, may your sweet dreams come true,
Bo'l baxtga yaqinroq
Be closer to happiness
Mayli mandan nariroq
May you stay away from me
Parvoz et eshitmay
Fly without listening
Yonimda qol desam
If I say, stay by my side
Man esa pastga
I will be down
Qanotlarim qoldi sanda.
You took my wings with you.
O mani baxtim,
Oh my fortune,
Qarshingdaman so'nggi bor.
I am here in front of you for the last time,
Nahot qolmadi vahtim,
We could not find the time,
So'zlarim tingla so'nggi bor.
Listen to my last words,
O mani baxtim,
Oh my fortune,
Endi bir o'zing yet orzularimizga.
Now you and only you are enough for our dreams,
Qolmadi vahtim
We could not have our time,
Ko'z yoshlaringni ko'rsatmagin hech kimga.
Don't show your tears to anyone,
Ooooooo ketaver go'zalim ortinga hech qayrilma.
Oh go away, my beauty, and never come back
Mayli baxtli bo'l meni esa hech o'ylama.
May you be happy and never think of me
Ooooooo sen ketaver go'zalim ortinga hech qayrilma.
Oh go away, my beauty, and never come back
Sevganing bilan baxtli bo'l hech qachon undan ayrilma.
Be happy with your lover and never leave him


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