Ummon - Yig'lama Yurak - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon - Yig'lama Yurak

Yig'lama Yurak
Weeping Heart
Sen bilan o'tgan kunlar o'tmishga aylandi,
The days spent with you have become a thing of the past,
Xazon bo'ldi orzular, armonga belandi.
Dreams have withered, aspirations have gone astray.
Biz sevgan baxtning kuyi endi yangramaydi,
The melody of the happiness we shared no longer plays,
Tunlari ko'kda porlagan yulduz
The star that once shone brightly in the night sky
Biz uchun nurlar sochmaydi.
No longer shines for us.
Yig'lama yurak, yig'lama osmon,
Weep not, my heart, weep not, oh heavens,
Endi u hech qaytmaydi, sevishini aytmaydi,
For she will never return, nor will she speak of love,
Afsus begumon, hammasi tamom.
Alas, my beloved, it is all over.
O'ylamay deyman, lekin o'ylamay bo'lmaydi,
I tell myself not to think, but it is impossible,
Sog'inchlar menga qarshi, hech tinim bermaydi.
Longing gnaws at me relentlessly.
Yuzlaringdagi kulgu xayoldan ketmaydi,
The laughter on your face haunts my memory,
Endi kimga atalar ekan u,
Who else do you call your own now?
Aqlimga aslo sig'maydi.
It is a thought I cannot bear.
Yig'lama yurak, yig'lama osmon,
Weep not, my heart, weep not, oh heavens,
Endi u hech qaytmaydi, sevishini aytmaydi,
For she will never return, nor will she speak of love,
Afsus begumon, hammasi tamom.
Alas, my beloved, it is all over.
Sensiz kechalardan to'ydim,
I am weary of nights without you,
Yuragimdan yondim-kuydim.
My heart aches and burns.
Armonlaridan, yolg'onlaridan
From your promises, from your lies,
Sevgini tushunolmay ham qoldim.
I have failed to understand love.
Bir bor, bir yo'q bu sevging,
Your love is here one moment, gone the next,
Sarson, bilmaydi yuraging.
Your heart is as fickle as a sparrow.
Ketma-ket quvonch, ketma-ket azob,
Joy and sorrow follow each other in quick succession,
Aqlimga sig'maydi, bo'la olmadik birga nahot?
Why could we not be together? It is a mystery to me.
Yig'lama yurak, yig'lama osmon,
Weep not, my heart, weep not, oh heavens,
Endi u hech qaytmaydi, sevishini aytmaydi,
For she will never return, nor will she speak of love,
Afsus begumon, hammasi tamom.
Alas, my beloved, it is all over.

Авторы: Zohid Riskiyev

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