Andries Bezuidenhout - Klavierles by Mev Kaplan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Andries Bezuidenhout - Klavierles by Mev Kaplan

Klavierles by Mev Kaplan
Piano Lessons by Mrs. Kaplan
Klavierles by Mevrou Kaplan op ʼn Donderdagmiddag
Piano lessons with Mrs. Kaplan on a Thursday afternoon
Ek loop draaie deur die dorp om Willie Bothma te vermy
I walk circles through town to avoid Willie Bothma
Een keer ʼn week oefen ek en Hafiza
Once a week I practice with Hafiza
ʼn Duet van Debussy op die upright Steinway
A Debussy duet on the upright Steinway
Soms luister ons plate, blaai saam deur ʼn boek
Sometimes we listen to records, browse through a book together
Mevrou Kaplan wat die opera voor die oorlog besoek
Mrs. Kaplan who visited the opera before the war
Ons praat oor museums, oor dae lank verby
We talk about museums, about days long gone
Skildery wat in Wene agter moes bly
Paintings that had to stay behind in Vienna
Mevrou Kaplan ek onthou nou die kandelaar op jou Steinway
Mrs. Kaplan I remember now the candelabra on your Steinway
In jou huis wat ruik na vla en kaneel
In your house that smells of custard and cinnamon
Ons kon luister ek lees en plate speel
We could listen, I could read and play records
Ek kon myself net somtyds ʼn ander wêreld verbeel
I could sometimes imagine only a different world
Die stuk van Debussy sou ons opvoer in die skoolsaal
The Debussy piece we were to perform in the school hall
Selfs die kerkraad vergader om die reëlings te bepaal
Even the church council meets to determine the arrangements
Maar soos als nou maar was, was die oomblik te veel
But as everything was now, the moment was too much
En moes ek die duet as solo improviseer
And I had to improvise the duet as a solo
Mevrou Kaplan ek onthou nou die kandelaar op jou Steinway
Mrs. Kaplan I remember now the candelabra on your Steinway
In jou huis wat ruik na vla en kaneel
In your house that smells of custard and cinnamon
Ons kon luister ek lees en plate speel
We could listen, I could read and play records
Ek kon myself net somtyds ʼn ander wêreld verbeel
I could sometimes imagine only a different world
Die sinagoge nou ʼn pakhuis en Kaplans gesluit
The synagogue now a warehouse and Kaplans closed
Mevrou Kaplan se kinders is lankal landuit
Mrs. Kaplan's children have long since left the country
Haar seun in Sidney, dogter in Tel Aviv
Her son in Sydney, daughter in Tel Aviv
Skryf klokslag elke maand darem nog ʼn brief
Write regularly every month but still a letter
Aan die weduwee Kaplan in haar Seepunt woonstel
To the widow Kaplan in her Sea Point apartment
Wat wonder oor Debussy en Karoodorp klavierspel
Wondering about Debussy and Karoo piano playing
Mevrou Kaplan ek onthou nou die kandelaar op jou Steinway
Mrs. Kaplan I remember now the candelabra on your Steinway
In jou huis wat ruik na vla en kaneel
In your house that smells of custard and cinnamon
Ons kon luister ek lees en plate speel
We could listen, I could read and play records
Ek kon myself net somtyds ʼn ander wêreld verbeel
I could sometimes imagine only a different world

Авторы: Andries Bezuidenhout

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